
Monday 15 July 2024


 I felt a spot of rain

I had a spot of bother

I had a spot of pain

Can you spot the witness?

Can you spot the difference?

For they both look the same

The one who is the victim

The culprit knew by name

But he'd been spotted in the distance

And attributed the blame

Surely a spot growing larger

Is just increasing shame

Is it a spot in the larder

Or on the window frame

Out, out damn spot

Lady MacBeth cried in vain

Yet I am just as guilty

As I feel a spot of rain

Is that your hand upon my shoulder?

Am I the one to blame?

Did I do it all alone

Or was there an accomplice in the frame?

Make me a spot of lunch, oh won't you deary

I feel a spot hungry, I feel a spot weary

I feel a spot but I forgot

Because a leopard never changes his spots

He justs joins up the dots

And hunts the stripy Zebras

Well I'll be a line instead

They're easier to see

Easier to spot

The wood for the trees

But you have to read between them

And then that's hard to be

The one to draw a line under

A spot of acrimony

Just draw a line

Dot the i's and cross the t's

It's better not to lie

And any way the truth

Ain't got a spot on me

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