
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 November 2023

I want to be free

 Are these ties, strong enough to bind?

Are these eyes open enough to find

The one truth hiding amongst all the debris

After the explosion crying out let me free

Are these feet strong enough to walk

The thousand footsteps on the path of forks

And will their soles choose left or right

On the road of choices, on the path of light

How can you say you don't believe me

When I know it is you

Who is lying to me

Oh give me a choice, throw me a frizbee

Let me sound my voice, I want to be free

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Pub talk

 Here's to Shepton

It's on its knees

Won't the government lower

The tax on alcohol please!

Give the pubs the upper hand over

Supermarket sleaze

They're destroying our culture

With their lower price freeze

We buy our beer in bulk

Bring it back home to drink

Like the incredible hulk

shipwrecked into bed we sink

In a sulk

For we've not met new friends

Only drank til we've caulked

And whitened and paled and netflixed out

And it could be the ale or speciality stout

But in fact it's the lack

of the life we're about

 Just go down the pub

You'll feel better no doubt!

This culture is dying

But it's not what you think

Britain was founded on

A strong liking for drink

If you consider the heroes

The brave and the true

You'll find they all loved

To partake of the brew

We come together in clubs

And in teams

We drink to our fellows

And we drink to our wins

But drink too to your losses

As well as your gains

Because as the penny tosses

So fall the rains

And mercy can fall equal

On Kings as on peasants

But just mind how you say it

When plucking a pheasant!

I think we were better back in 1981

When we drank through unemployment

And likewise we drank to have fun

But you've got to enjoy it

With friends and in good company

It's like music to my ears

And it's the mark of being free