Talking of politics in the bookshop
And the rights of the individual
That Boris should be shot
The Money made by May for speeches of a kind
And others far too intellectual
They talk on the sofa of Feminism
And communism and dogmatism
And letting go of leashes
And losing all control
And I hold on to quiches
And break eggs to make omelettes
Of the friends I did not know
And put all my eggs in a basket of change
And hope to goodness that it doesn't feel strange
Because I have forgotten the weight of coins
In my pocket
And the feel of rain on my skin
When I enjoyed it
And Chocolate
saved up for and bought like a child
Or unwrapped at Christmas
And where has Christmas gone?
Is this its swan song that Morrisons
Are putting Easter Eggs up for sale
On Christmas Eve
What has it come to?
That you can't get served by a human being anymore you must meet a machine
A mechanized weigher
Do it your self
It will save us time and money
It will give us more Leisure time
Leisure time is fine if you have the money
So who will have the money?
A state of lazy people who do not want to
Nothing to do all day but pray
Or eat
Hopefully the former
But then their minds can be moulded better
They say
They can evolve like the Latter
Saints of the day
We will become a society of Saints all on our merry way
Doing Yoga saying howdy do neighbour
Oh you are committing a crime?
Well you know there is another way
Try being happy
Maybe that is the cure
But to be happy you must stop being poor
So we are back to the rich government handing out money to their citizens
The decadent society
The happy ones?
But then we look across the water to Eastern Europe
Are they not happier there, yet poorer?
Freedom to follow group traditions that bond each other in a fixed identity
Not this pluralism of mass individualism which
is driven by capitalism and greed and getting rich quick
Getting more and more is the religion
So where is Christmas, where are the Christian values?
Everything changes, they say
You have to let it go
We have ethnic diversity
Well we have enclaves, we have ghettoes
No we have love and strong community and rising above the fear
and hatred
Onwards and upwards like Peter Pan
Onwards and outwards and off to Japan