I want to see Calibri's body
I want to meet Arial
Or Times New Roman marching down
Fleet Street with all the journalists in a bow
Tell me about Agent FB
wish I could meet such an exciting guy
Or Lucinda without her unicode
She should have passed it on by now
Perhaps Bahnschrift passed it to
Baskerville Old Face
He was hounding Bauhaus 93
He wanted an autograph
But left in some disgrace
After Dante and the Engravers MT
I would like to lie with Georgia Pro Black
Or wrestle with Goudy Stout
Tell me how long will Miriam
Be fixed on Narkisim
Will it be ad Perpetua?
Before Poor Richard Shouts
And we all knew Rockwell was Extra bold
When he wrote in Italics
To Sitka Small
But she was not meek, no not at all
When after a week
She wrote the Univers condensed on the wall
You see Verdana Pro Semibold
was christened in the font
and named Yu Gothic
In wide Latin
But what got everybody's goat
Was that Courier new note
Comic Sans MT
Was really born in the attic