I learnt something new about bats the other day
Oh yes Harold, what was that?
Well apparently they eat chocolate
No, they don't do they?
Yeah not half, they can't get enough of it
They ea' chocolate in the air
And even when they are trying to avoid crashing into an
Why would they crash Harold?
Well, they've got very bad eyesight , you never
heard the expression blind as a bat Maureen?
Oh yes I have come to think of it
Well anyway by way of seeing better
and thinking cleverer they have a nibble
on a bounty perhaps or a flake
A flake!
What kind of a bat carries a flake with them?
Well something anyway in one of their pouches
and then they can avoid the object
....Doesn't it strike you kind of funny
How they suddenly see like a blurry image and
then somehow have time grab a bite of chocolate
And then that gives them the boost of eyesight
and quick manoeuvring power they need just in time
Not to mention, if you try storing a flake in your trouser
pocket, you're soon just going to end up
With chocolate down your trousers!
Perhaps Maureen..
Let me see that article Harold
That there word is echolocates not eats chocolate
They haven't got time for that Harold
It's sonor you know like on the submarine
And it isn't an excuse for you to eat any more bounty bars
You've have two today already.
When you can echocolate and fly around
catching flies in the dark
Then maybe you would deserve another bounty
But until that time, the cupboard stays shut!