
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2024

Frogs legs

 Choosing up to down

The flag of the misericord

Sighed in the brown

Dead bench

Of old tree

Finding out it was me

The tree


he, he, he

Sitting on the ground

Looking at the stubs

The toes

Of paned glass

The friends with frog's legs

The French Hens

After sunrises

And nuanced noodles


In Nablos the Nurling neighed

The ambulances have a clean strike

Foreign Angels of Tax

May winged gild the lily

But still the frogs jump in The pond

And the toads are looking silly

Sittin under slime stones

That will make their homes

HMRC gives them loans

But toads are sitting pretty

Frogs are leaping here and there

About the trading ocean

Hopping uses precious energy

Hoping is their emotion

Panic in the French legs


Hold their water

Who but Napoleon

The toad

Would have sold

Them off to slaughter

I'll call you Caine and I am Abel

I'll call you blood and water

First they hit you with a son

And then with an adopted daughter

Charging like the light brigade

The expressions on zoom

What is she thinking

Spelling out my doom

Like the woman on the bus

A witch with a broken broom

I wouldn't mess with thus

Therefore fills the room

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Casino Britannica

 All new

The news

That money can buy you love

At least so long as

The money keeps rolling in

For this is Britain 

And that is what love is found on

From the Romans to the Vikings

They all wanted to take a spin

On the Casino of Britannica

Oh she's a wheeler and a dealer

It is true

Our lady Britannica is a survivor

In the best of times and the worst

Giving her pound of flesh

To invaders

For a piece of the Royal chest

A slab of the fat of land

She's a giver

She's a real river of joy

What you can love

You can likewise destroy

But life's about quality

And we have it here in spades

My mother, God love her,

Would not have wanted

it any other way or boy?

It's just a shame the man turned out 

Different to what her hopes

Could enjoy

But that's just the Casino Britannica

Clicking around like a toy

Saturday, 30 September 2023


 In the cinema of certain dreams

Where the 'dumbmoney' themes

Retro-actively alert and stimulate

An already heightened audience

There are the pronstar couple -one black the other white

who begin kissing every

time the protagonist mentions running

naked through lightning with his dick out

The word dick is a activating one for her

for some reason

I shift uncomfortably in my seat as they are

directly in front

Then the young men who love a toke

Began to move when the young brother spoke

And smoked upon his big bong

Then the older couple who sat at the front thought

What have we done wrong

When the music with explicit lyrics came on

About sticking her pussy out and her bum

Or big ass pussy as in the American is common

And that's about the size of it for me

What people do for a thrill on  Saturday

In a public space

It seems the cinema theatre has become a stage for all the people

For whom they see on film the You tuber

Sway and cajole and persuade

With his engaging enthrall

And being brave

Well hey, we have been inverted in our culture too

You can see the couple who have watched too much porn

The internet grave

Or those who follow the dumb ass videos of 'retard' can I say?

They do in America, they do on the internet where nobody

stops them, where they ride the wave of popular opinion and reaction

And harbour dreams of being millionaires in shares

And stock options

Sticking it to the man

Like on the planet of the Apes

But can I say, I am still abhorred

By the extent to which people can gamble away

And put a squeeze on the hedge funds

Who short the stocks on the ordinary man

Working in the ordinary company

Which it bankrupts in the end

No wonder, I can understand

But the whole culture is one of greed

I deny these Robin Hoods are any more moral

Yet he says the system is broken

He is trying to equalize the struggle

The stock market should be open

For anyone smart enough to play it

Not only the rich few

Sure perhaps it is the land of the free

And the home of the brave

And he really did study the fundamentals

Of the company gamestop before investing

But the others did not, they just followed suit

And he lead them to change

Well the same thing happens to humans all over

And sometimes it works out

Sometimes not, it's all just a gamble

I respect the risk they took

Wednesday, 21 June 2023


 You know you've got to

Make that will for free

Free that will of yours

It's as easy as 1-2-3

Make that will open some doors

Dill that bill, and kill that fill

Still that Jill

And Gill that mill

Will a pocket, spill a socket

Silly billy pick a pocket

Or three

Make that will for free

Jack and Jill 

Ran up the hill

And Will came following after

Jill broke down

And stole Jack's crown

Was then a fool lost to laughter

No one in town saw it coming

They thought they were 

The perfect disaster

A storm in a teacup

A Penny farthing rounded up

But too many tandems, and bicycles

Were rejected at that stage

For a bicycle made for two

Thursday, 16 March 2023

The road to Shepton Mallet

 My tax bill came in I said

Wow how come?

The drum on the beat continued to hum

I put down the letter and

Twiddled my thumbs

Wow, I said wow

To the police I give a tenth of my vow

Jeeze Louise, I need to take a bow

For the Fire and rescue, I give a twelfth

Wow, I said wow

Adult social care almost as much as the police

Wow, Moses, Holy crocuses

If their parents never had them

We'd be sweet as roses

Burn that money somehow

Who are these cronies 

In the local government?

Make a change!

Make a change!

Every plan fulfilled

has been painted on the pavement

Make a change right now

Most of it goes on fire and rescue

Drunk people with candles setting light their curtains

Two fifths goes on the local town council

Make a change right now!

Two thirds goes on Somerset County Council

Keep talking, keep talking!

If everything is pink then

We better start walking

Walking to Shepton Mallet now!

Better get in Shape!

Better stop your shirking

Keep working, keep working!

Everyone's a jerk

If you can't quit baulking

Keep talking now

With all this money

Why are the roads still unsafe?

They keep shirking, keep shirking

With all this money

Why don't they fuck themselves?

Keep working now

Work this way until you're in your grave

Keep digging, keep digging

Then some teenager comes along

And desecrates with foam of shave

Keep talking now

Who knows when 

This song is gonna end?

Not me, not me

Let's end it here as it's all going wrong

Council taxes will always increase!

Thursday, 13 October 2022


 The money we had and money we spent

The money, the money anyway

The money had come, and money did go

And the funny thing was on with the show

Oh on with the show, while the money does last

When the money gets thin, the money shall blast

Away all your hopes and your dreams in the clay

Oh the money did come and it went away

I am reaching for money, I am reaching for hope and glory

I am reaching in the pot of honey, at the end of the rainbow

Oh the money did come and the money did go

And the money never lasted so on with the show

And some people put the money above all

And some people reach and others they fall

Money, money, money and the castles of sand

That fall to the shore when the waves crash and land

Money is a bitch and money is a beach, 

And money is funny and so out of reach

Money comes and goes, just like the passing ships

Money is rich, money it skips

Money it plays, plays down the land

It plays in the rich, the rich fat hand

It falls from the sky, like manna of gold

It falls like the sunlight falls in the folds

Somethings it stays on, and somewhere it goes

Money it comes and money it goes

I want to be an artist and paint its portrait

I don't know if it'd be an ugly man of hate

It don't know if it'd be an innocent child

Who knows not what it does to the world and the wild

Money it should be put behind bars

It should be banned, like speeding cars

But money it will live on, long after I die

Money it comes, falls out of the sky

Some are rich and some are poor

And some want to fly and some want no more

Some have enough, and some don't have any

And some count on love, while others count the pennies 

Friday, 11 March 2022

Sacrifice or Your money or your Life

 The question it seems to me is:

What are we prepared to fight for?

If not for the freedom of a democratic people

Then what does our own democracy stand for

Does it only apply within the borders of the 

So called free Britain

Do we not stand for these same values abroad?

And if we don't - which seems to be

The political message we are sending then no wonder non-democratic

countries will expand naturally to fill the vacuum

We have only taken out sanctions against them,

We only think we can bargain for our own morality in money

We can buy off our own democracy if we are rich enough

But this is not a foundation of society, where the rich 

can live for themselves and the poor be allowed to suffer

This is not a value I subscribe to

Where is God in all of this?

Where are our Christian values?

We live in such a selfish culture that no one

wants to look at the greed and egotism in the centre of their own lives

No one wants to sacrifice anything

And this way without values is a slippery slope

It is a Russian landslide and we are standing at the bottom

Saying we built our house upon mud and straw

Perhaps deep down there still are the foundations

Of rock

But we need to rediscover thse pillars of strength before we can stand

up for anything

because at the moment the Western liberal democracies

Are having an identity crisis

That all their wealth has brought

At some stage we need to ask our selves the question

Is it our money or our lives that we value more

And what are the values we still believe in

That money can't buy

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Bit coin Millionaire

 Bit coin Millionaire

He was a bit coin billionaire

He drove round in a Ferrari

And showed off his great flair

Bitcoin millionaire

Bitcoin millionaire

Millions in the bank, thousand more to spare

Driving around in his Subaru impresso

Like he hasn't any cares

He was a bitcoin million

He'sgot Millions in the bonds

And thousands everywhere

He's got coins in white paper

That don't even mean a thing

He's a bit coin, he's a bit coin king

And everything he has is in a bubble that will burst

Come the good and bad, come the hunger or thirst

Whatever you have will soon turn to dust

And its vapour rise into thin air

He's a bit coin millionaire

But life is so fickle

And the markets go into thin air

Bit coins like white butterflies fly up

The gambler will tell you earnestly

That his scheme will never fail

But you know so truthfully the end of that tale

There are always the losing streaks, and as many times he wins

He will lose a packet and you'll be left holding the string

Now who can tie up all of these loose ends

Like a spaghetti junction you can get lost round the bends

And twists and turns of a gambler's world you cannot trust his word

For nothing is just quite so absurd as the lines you've heard

Sometimes he is on an up and next he's on a low

Depends upon which current he's riding on in the sky of snow

Where he tries to catch the snow flakes

Oh so delicate in his hands

But they melt just like the milk on cornflakes

He is a self-made snowman

Will the sun's strong heat melt away his plans

As coins go slipping through his fingers

Just like melt water through his hot hands