
Monday 1 July 2024

Mama I married a minotaur

 Mama I married a minotaur

I didn't mean for it to happen

I was muddled in a maze

Lost in a labyrinth 

And laid out legs a laze

Laying on a green plinth

In the supine summer haze

I could see the laser synths dancing in a daze

Suddenly from round the corner this mighty monster mosied 

Utterly unconscious like a bull that do si do sied

Like a Buffalo his head horny on the corners

I was like a child then a little Jackie Horner

Eating up my curds and whey anyway day dawner

Dreaming thought I, I find my way back out of this muddle

Then a misstep put my foot back into a puddle

The splash it woke the Minotaur who tore around the corner

And chased me around the bush and hedges of the rosey thorner

He chased me to the stone ledges and down to crypts and mourners

I felt I was in purgatory, that I was history a goner

But then the pearly gates did open Sunlight upon us shone her

Sacred light, from deep midnight and the shadows showed a stunner

Frozen in the light the Minotaur did harden

Until his teeth bit the dust of his girdled garden

I looked up to see Saint Peter and I begged his pardon

For disturbing him at his prayers outside bardon bardon

Don't come to me with your grief Said Saint Pete the rock

All things are built upon my shoulders church and world clock

The hands of time a resting heavy on my shoulders I weigh each

Minute in my hands as Atlas lifts his boulders

And Hercules did find him and pushed over the pillars of the Earth

And it tumbled into free fall, as it rumbled like a tree tall

In a forest with noone there to see it, does it really happen,

Did it ever trick us? Is it that I am dreaming? Did the Sunlight trick us?

Then the Sun was hidden behind a moon tide cloud

And the Minotaur came alive as an animal wild and loud

Roaring like a lion, howling like a banshee

lathering at the lips, growling and a gnashing he

Said hello nice to meet you my name is Sanjee

I've lived in this maze for many a long day, a thousand maybe 3

Could you spare a while and give a smile to poor old wicked me

I said sure why not Sir, you seem like a reasonable fellow

At first it's true, I was afraid of you but now I see you're quite mellow

Lets discourse on flag and horse, let's discuss the matter

Of the Sun and moon and tides and have a little chatter

How does one make small talk with a Minotaur in his lair?

I asked myself, but no need he dwelt, quite within God's care

It seemed he did like fiction and the works of Agatha Christie

And So I started on Poirot and whether he thought him Christian

He said my, my indeed I do, but I thought him Catholic too

Are you of course, a Jesuit, or Orthodox or Jew ?

He said no I'm from Crete, I said a Cretin? that'll have to do

So the very next May we were married, we Honeymooned in sunny Majorca

And for a Minotaurus Majorca was a major orca

Well a killer whale or part quail, but either way quite awkward

For he couldn't fail to show his tail and that way the press caught us

We were in every magazine From the Aegean to the Balkans

The man is free to be who he wants to be God taught us

But not if you're mother's Pasiphae and your Father's a taurus

Perhaps the Zodiac doesn't stretch that far and anyway astrology is naught-ass

 She was just a milk maid who went to milk the herd

But she went a bit beyond the pale you might say

When she milked the bull while he was making hay

And got the horn in a way quite unheard

But that was what little bird told us

Anyway you can't help who or what you love

And the heart wants what makes the heart jump

It's a matter of time and a matter of grace

And if in the night the bed bumps

Let's hope you don't fall on your face

But nothing can be worse than being stuck in a place

That you can't get out of so you have to erase

The maze

And start on the straight lace road


Whether you married a monster or a miller

a mobster or a killer, a he, she, it, her or him

Pronouns don't count as what lives within

And under the thick or thin skin 

Be grateful for the chance of love

And to live on the wing

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