
Showing posts with label islands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label islands. Show all posts

Saturday, 9 November 2024


Buteo, Buteo

Wherefore art thou Buteo?
On what holy wooded hedge
Where you make our hooded ledge
And wherefore do you fly?
Forever a convict of the sky
And conviction yes
More is the less
As with auspices make your pledge
Your blood bond to swear by
Vow your vows
Bow your heads
Here comes the vouchsafe
Of your lives
Give money, give roses, poses of heather
Black is the beak, brown is the feather
The air in some torpid atmosphere
Breaks like breakers of a wild sea
Snapping like a belt of leather
Sends up vapours
On whose thermals see thee
Oh how grubby are the praying hands
When they come together
Beneath wedding bands
And marriage yet between
Sky and land
Though thou art unknowable times of sand
For where do you come from?
Who is your mother?
Thy father is every falcon
Every hunter back to the age of man
But how many mothers can
Give birth to your skill
Your art is the destroyer
How learnt thou to kill?
Who taught you? Treacherous sky and wind
Tempest belly was thy womb
But land that keeps your harboured pledge
Vouchsafe in him
Your meat and bread
Father provider to a son born of the air
Always crossing the sun
But what cares the sun for poor Buteo Buteo?
He is forever a traveller
In search of his carrion loot
In search of dead gold
When the sun is treasure chest
Enough for this pirate
Who sails blue pastures
What more wealth can be searched for?
When wisdom is the treasure the sun has in store
And he but transmuted
The vessel of nature’s law
Sign giver and guide all those
Who worship him and him adore
Yet his auspice given, rewards
Neither love nor hate
But like the majesty of heaven
Reigns down equal upon those from His pearly gate

Questions Where AM I?

 On what enlightened bay

Do the tides of time descend?
On how sweet an afternoon
Of light astray
Can the scarlet pimpernel festoon?
Where do the oysters catch?
And where do the gulls loom?
In the fasted Lapis sky
Beneath the hay making sun
How does the bracken grow?
How weaves the stinging nettle?
Through what thistle do the finches whistle?
Or over what cliff is heard
The peregrines steaming, screaming kettle

How comes it that I am here?
For to tell what enters mine ear?
And why for do the black birds mew?
Or the crow caw, caw
Or why do the rabbits run, lapis lapidary
Lapin lapping the blue from the sky
The yellow from the chicken sun
The silver from the harvest moon
The white from the clouds undone

How comes it the temperate chain lies unbroken?
The wind to cool, the sun to heat
How is it that words left unspoken?
Best describe this nature’s beat

Friday, 13 October 2023

Dripping Cove

 Dripping Cove

The running iron stove

That bleeds its red blood

From the islands heart

Out to the orange buoy

Who has floated like a gob stopper

In the rivers mouth for years

And that Pirates Bay

With smuggler’s caves

Where the sea like a milky basin sways

In the murmuring moonlight it waves

And its murderous intentions

Below the looks

Of monks from above their books

Below the sounds of the farmer’s plough

And the hob nailed boots of soldiers on their way

Dripping cove, ebbs out its life blood precious

Mixes the islands blood flow with the seas salty spray

Views from Flat Holm

 When the land is on its knees

And it seems like pickle and cheese

Laid out in slabs and chunks

All along the coast of the seas

And the sky is striking blue

As a thunderbolt in a bucket or two

Emptied in, the repository of wind

Which takes it hurling up the channel

And after the storm

The white windmills clearly blew

Like the arms of those reborn

On the hills of Calvary

Like jacks that God threw

Tumbling down

From the back of his hand

Fallen between divine fingers

The way across the bay

Seems so near yet is so far

The beach beyond out of reach abscond

The cream teas and fish and chips

The happy shoppers and laughing lips

The merry go round and carousel

The Big Top turning I know very well

The pier like a playground, for grown up kids

The steep climb to Brean Down

Where many a walking boot skids

And the fort which looks out back at us

Like a mirror seeing its own eye through binoculars

Its gun turrets and batteries and military shielding

Matched by our own battlements and the Victorian's building

Conjoined like three weird sisters Brean Down and two islands


Steep Holm the steepest, its gradient highlands

Like a potters clay mound cut and turned

On the wheel of the sea

Its edges carved steep by is cupped hands

Flat Holm the lizard lounging down flat

Sunning itself, by the wind, ironed like a mat

Brean Down so colloquial, provincial almost

With Weston the hub of local stage post

And Cardiff is there gleaming and white

Shining out through defiance against the storm’s might

Metropolitan and buzzing splashing its wealth

Like an elephant in a mud bath all over itself

On the hill Penarth

Proud and self-fulfilled,

Looking on the works of former days willed

Collated like a kaleidoscope

The world swirls around

As a lesser black-backed gull

Swoops down to ground

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Ocean's eleven -or Rhyme of the ancient mariner Revisited

I set off for eleven oceans
After I'd sailed seven seas
Four more I could not fail
I thought it would be a breeze

I was a lonesome vagabond
in search of riches, tourism and drink
But on that eleventh ocean
was where my ship did sink

A-drowning I was ship-wrecked
my raft it was marooned
upon the shore of a far off Isle
by a whale I had Harpooned

For where is this poor countree
that ye have towed me to?
He said well lonesome vagabond
I've towed ye to Peru

Peru I said and startled up
Where canst a man walk home?
Neigh dear lonesome Mariner
For too far have ye now roamed

But Lo what Majestic sky turned out
When I did turn me Head
For Heaven displayed a plethora of stars
One if followed must home me led

To orient I fixed the whale
Again out on the ocean
And told him hence to beat his tail
And thus from this dark Isle we shall give motion

And so on the crew of one did wend
It's starlit toiling passion
For the sea was as green as a wild monster
Calling my heart's courage to ration

Never a boat had thus put sail
Upon these treacherous seas
Nor chart or map to orient
Our pathless way to ease

We journeyed on without rainfall,
Our mouths were parched as sands
And the rats which fled from my raft
The searing heat they could not stand

Then to me appeared a visage of a friend
One I had known but now long lost
A man I had betrayed in love
And now before me visited his ghost

Accusing eyes they pierced me
And cut me to the quick
That I should live, while he had died
No candle burns a faster wick

Then flames in cohorts filled the scene
And seemed to set a light the timber
And in each flame a visage appeared
Of a man who was my crew member

They called to me and cried still worse
Why have you forsaken your brothers?
Because your life and ours were tied together
Now our deaths will be your curse

So, on I fled, crying “take me away from this guilt”
And soon from the air came a wandering dove
The evil which gave voice to these spirits
Had been dissolved by a face of love

The dove joined my vessel and led the
Whale towards dark cliffs,
“It is land “I cried
And so grateful was I
That no line written could tell of my bliss

Thank you said I, but then down did he die
Exhausted upon the deck
My future still lay in the balance, so for luck
I wore the bird around my neck

The Island was old and grey from a distance
But with speed became more familiar
It was the very spot I had sailed from
In June fifteen long years past clear

The wedding guests had arrived and there
I went with utmost haste
Now to you I regale my tale
Of eleven ocean's to which I lay waste

Meet me on the island

Meet me on the island
I'm drowning, I'm drowning
Meet me on the island
Of a thousand crownings

A thousand brown hens
Crowing the morning
A thousand cockrels
Cock adoodling a warning
Meet me on the island
Of sacrifice
Meet me on the island
Called paradise

I've been over the cold iron bridge
And I've been stuck on
a hot fiery ridge
Been too close to the sun
On my midnight run
Been down to the brook
To read a book
And lay down by the stream
To take sometime to dream
Now meet me on the island
We live in the promised land

We'll row over there one night
Under cover, out of sight
And draw our bows from the withies
And we'll stretch our strings
From twine that bark brings
And make a harp that sings
In the starlight

And you'll brood in the rude rushes
In a hood where you stood under crushes
Of the night when it fell
When we heard the tolling bell
Ring out like a warning through the reeds

So meet me on the island
Where all of it bleeds
And it mixes in the river
And its carried in the flood
I can see your eyes full of water too
Like you could cry by the riverbank
But darling can't you tell
The island is ours as well
So let's keep it a secret
And give thanks
To keep it

Kick out the kites
And Deliver the doves
The gulls are so bright
Silouhetted crosses above
Where the crows crowd in a parliament
And parle about the world outside their branches
They sit on the wires,
like old men around fires
Discussing the government
Like cowboys on ranches

Thursday, 19 September 2019


James saw a Hoopoe
Flying high above
Funny to be on an island
And not to feel love

He caught it on his I phone
Him phone Her phone
He and She
This Hoopoe was caught
In a net whoopee!

James saw a Hoopoe
This is all I can say
It was many years ago
From here an eternity away

I call back to my past
My bird song echoes
But it will not last
As all the love
That we must one day
Let go of

The Hoopoe
Was as transitory
As a cloud shadow

He picked out its dimensions
Zoomed into its pixels
Like some wanted fellow
A felon escaped from prison

But it had no talons to speak of
Only this strange head
And then of course a distinctive call
To recognize miles and miles
Above the island of the dead

How many skulls have reverberated
This sound?
Called out for another's answer
Thinking themselves
The only other Hoopoe around

How many wood pecker skulls
have hammered the tree
And cracked like nutshells
Before they can get free?

How many skulls hear the ringing bells
How many hear the poetry?
Just the Hoopoe
Just the Hoopoe?

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Coal eyes burning

Coal island bound
On the ship
On the rocking waves
I'm on my way
To the black coal face
I will work in the gutters
The shores of respite
Will heal my soul
And my ship will be scuppered
On that island of coal
I've hurt and I've suffered
For the whys and the Hows
The whos and the whats
But if I had to tell
What it was I learned
I can't say a lot
Apart from how and when
To be a fool to myself
When someone rings a bell
I jump
When they start to yell
I slump
Like a puppet on string
Held by you

The puppet island sailors
Are calling now
Writing letters
To the roving butterflies
That are blown across oceans
Whose pupae have squirmed
Chrysalises shake
In the mid Atlantic wake
Of the Ships
That go sailing by

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Reflections on an Island :Letter from an Island

The wind is howling now
A gale out to sea
The gulls all look pale
In a marked misery
They are petals
Collected on the flat rocks
Which lie who knows why
When around them
Are all jagged vertical alumni
I’m writing home
On a Saturday
To say
The visitors never came
The sea it was too rough
Hopes candle dwindled
To a low flame
We occupy our time
In occlusions from the high eye
Victorian built bunkers
Where are stored work tools
Where we make driftwood benches
And walk along the shore
On our feet are Wellington boots
In our hands are bow saws
We topple and slip and hop
 Over the newly wetted rocks
Look in at rock pools
By the white sea-foam fringes stop
At first I thought a bird had died
But it was not feathers
Rather lathered up plankton water
Aerated by the belts of wind like leathers
Across waves as if chastising unruly sons and daughters
At night we wait until the last light from the sky has gone
Before turning on
The bulbs of electric
And a fire is a blessing every few days
Because there is nowhere to go
We become important to each other
And habits of meal times are sacred things
Not to be broken
As marriage vows and rings
Conversation usually goes well
Few things stand as tokens
Except doing unto others as you would have done unto yourself
The unwritten authority of the warden in most things
Is left unspoken
We defer to him as lost sheep
Sometimes he is our shepherd
What he has an abundance of is confidence
And a love of food
In some respects we may not get on without him

Gem Stones and Cross Bones


Gem Stones and Crossed Bones
Albert the albatross
Met Gary the gull
From their perch
They search the blue horizon
And fly off to find
Where their spirits will guide them
And off and on, they swing in song
In the salty arms of the sea
In the up lifting palms
Of a rising swell
In the vapours which like volcanoes bellow
And toss them and turn them
Like pancakes in the air
Like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire
They dance the midnight air
Until they alight on an island
And they’ve been gone for a month long
And the Briny had bind and bridled them
And like husband and wife
They endure much strife
Until the island may find and unbind them
Unwind in curls of curlews
And the coils of the spiralling vines
And the grapes dark juice
Like blood in vermouth
And fresh water they drink from the well
And the sluice will wash
Their feather downs on them
And that let it be said,
What cannot be said
Is that Albert was somewhat of a pirate
And Gary the gull did not know very well
And he went along like an innocent fledgling
To the plots and the schemes
Of the Trosse’s grand dreams
Of what he could stow on the island

And they came one day
To a ship all at bay
With a skull and cross bones a flag it
And as a swarthy swag
Albert swooped down onto a bag
And carried it off down beside him

And the ship’s crew blew
Their voices so blue
The whole sea could have come up from inside them
And they cursed the birds
And what was worst they swore
To track down and find them

Soon Albert and the gull
Had made land fall
And found the swarthy crew not far behind them
Jogging up and down in their boats
Mad as wild goats
Hopping in their rage to the island

Now the bag that Albert took
Was heavy as a book
Weighed down with the words of the lord
But when they opened it up
With a swift cut
They found there the work of no good book
Only that of an evil sword

For there in the black
Lay shining flax
Of gold as if thread to fine hair
And entwined around
A broach and a crown
With a ruby and a diamond set square

Now these gems had belonged
To a king for not long
For just after his coronation
He was mugged while on Royal tour
The jewels lugged to smugglers off shore
And the all the islanders said what an abomination

And these same pursuing pirates they were the culprits
But Albert could not preach from his high pulpit
 On which with Gary now he perched
For he too had become thief
But his life would be too brief
If to its rightful owners he did not make amends and be researched

So Gary stood true
To the Law which he knew
In his innocent way he must follow
And persuaded Albert likewise
To be as wise guys
And fly with him south to the king like the swallow

So off they went
Not soon enough had they vent
When the captain of the sailors he them espied
And taking direction and wind speed
Guessed what course correction they would need
And so in hot pursuit his ship smartly replied

Now to the islands of Fiji
The birds fondly journey
With cusp and a weight to their throw
For as the gull flies, so likewise the crow
(And less so the burdened Albatross)
So like a true cross
This martyred Albatross
Had to carry his weight for mankind
In the one hope to tell
That there would await no true hell
But a Kingly welcome in Fiji they might find

And just like a thief
Albert felt the relief
When he at last confronted his benefactor
And hoping his good news
Would prevent the King from his own abuse
Or shoot the messenger as malefactor
Dropping the crown jewels
And broach at the king’s feet
Who now rode in a caravan of mules down the street
Instead of a crown of gold
He wore a crown made of reed
But his people still loved him for he was only good without greed

Albert spoke to Gary
Look how they tarry
They are in no want of jewels and gold
But Gary said to Albert
They won’t be fooled by the dirt
When they see their stolen crown as brass is bold

So they alighted in front of them
The caravan of mules
And their presence soon arrested it
Like they had brought from heaven some new rules
And between the gap
Albert emptied out the bag of jewels
And the King slapped his lap
And instead of a crown
He wore a hat made of reeds
But his people still loved him
For he was a good king far from greed
Albert spoke to Gary,
“Look how they tarry
They are in no want of jewels and gold.”
But Gary said to Albert
“Do not be fooled, this is no Port Talbot
And those jewels you carry there
Were stolen and not sold.”

So they alighted in front of them
The caravan of mules
And their presence soon arrested it
To a face down like a duel
And between Albert emptied the bag of the King’s jewels
And said here your Majesty, please take back what belongs to you and yours

Well the king was overjoyed
But asked these skyward buoys
Wherefore and how they came into their possession
And Gary smartly explained
That a Captain now complained
And pursued them both with a mad obsession

“He has sailed seven seas
Crossed pacific and Atlantic,
In a condition quite frantic
In his search for a purchase on his lost treasure
And it would be his pleasure
To tear us wing from wing
If he could only catch us at our leisure
But we have hardly slept
For this burden we have kept
To return it to the rightful King

But I fear you may expect
A visit from this prime suspect
At a day and hour soon in the offering

So king and country made their plans
And excited the caravan
To bring the jewels back to his fortress hold
Which though it be a meagre island in the chain of many
The King’s stronghold could not be said to be short of a penny
And for a goodly while the birds felt quite safe

Except for one day when the black flag was spotted bobbing in the bay
And they knew without delay
That come what come what may
The Captain soon would make his appearance in their stay

And sure enough at dead of night
With cutlass and flaming torch light
The terrible pirate gang made their press
And they scaled the high walls
And fired cannon balls
And brought to its knees the King’s fortress
But it was at break of day
On that terrible troubled bay
That the Albatross faced down the Captain
“You may step not forth
On this King’s berth
You must turn back and go the other way.
But the Captain’s steel cutlass sang
A song so close to the Albatross’s pang
That he feared stand long
Or the pirate’s path to cross

Then to his friends need
Came Gary the Gull of brave deed
And pecked the Captain on the nose
Oh what a bleed!
Now as every ship’s mate knows
The Captain’s red, red nose
Is about as weak as papyrus reed
And he hit him on the spot
That happened to be hot
With some Pacific Island type of Fever
And it burst and went on bleeding
All over the King’s ceiling
And the Captain ran off red faced
His crew in tow
So let that be a lesson
That it is a privilege and indeed a blessing
To say Bless You to a Captain
When he blows his nose
And even to a whaler
Who bewares an Albatross’s ill favour
And from then on he has been a friend to all good sailors
As this story shows

And your mind may begin to think
Whether Albert and Gary still do link
And a friend informed me who I know quite well
That they yet wander the big lonely drink
Like best buddies they give a wink
And happily climb up over the next sea swell