Buteo, Buteo
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Questions Where AM I?
On what enlightened bay
Friday, 13 October 2023
Dripping Cove
Dripping Cove
The running iron stove
That bleeds its red blood
From the islands heart
Out to the orange buoy
Who has floated like a gob stopper
In the rivers mouth for years
And that Pirates Bay
With smuggler’s caves
Where the sea like a milky basin sways
In the murmuring moonlight it waves
And its murderous intentions
Below the looks
Of monks from above their books
Below the sounds of the farmer’s plough
And the hob nailed boots of soldiers on their way
Dripping cove, ebbs out its life blood precious
Mixes the islands blood flow with the seas salty spray
Views from Flat Holm
When the land is on its knees
And it seems like pickle and cheese
Laid out in slabs and chunks
All along the coast of the seas
And the sky is striking blue
As a thunderbolt in a bucket or two
Emptied in, the repository of wind
Which takes it hurling up the channel
And after the storm
The white windmills clearly blew
Like the arms of those reborn
On the hills of Calvary
Like jacks that God threw
Tumbling down
From the back of his hand
Fallen between divine fingers
The way across the bay
Seems so near yet is so far
The beach beyond out of reach abscond
The cream teas and fish and chips
The happy shoppers and laughing lips
The merry go round and carousel
The Big Top turning I know very well
The pier like a playground, for grown up kids
The steep climb to Brean Down
Where many a walking boot skids
And the fort which looks out back at us
Like a mirror seeing its own eye through binoculars
Its gun turrets and batteries and military shielding
Matched by our own battlements and the Victorian's building
Conjoined like three weird sisters Brean Down and two
Steep Holm the steepest, its gradient highlands
Like a potters clay mound cut and turned
On the wheel of the sea
Its edges carved steep by is cupped hands
Flat Holm the lizard lounging down flat
Sunning itself, by the wind, ironed like a mat
Brean Down so colloquial, provincial almost
With Weston the hub of local stage post
And Cardiff is there gleaming and white
Shining out through defiance against the storm’s might
Metropolitan and buzzing splashing its wealth
Like an elephant in a mud bath all over itself
On the hill Penarth
Proud and self-fulfilled,
Looking on the works of former days willed
Collated like a kaleidoscope
The world swirls around
As a lesser black-backed gull
Swoops down to ground
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Ocean's eleven -or Rhyme of the ancient mariner Revisited
Meet me on the island
I'm drowning, I'm drowning
Meet me on the island
Of a thousand crownings
A thousand brown hens
Crowing the morning
A thousand cockrels
Cock adoodling a warning
Meet me on the island
Of sacrifice
Meet me on the island
Called paradise
I've been over the cold iron bridge
And I've been stuck on
a hot fiery ridge
Been too close to the sun
On my midnight run
Been down to the brook
To read a book
And lay down by the stream
To take sometime to dream
Now meet me on the island
We live in the promised land
We'll row over there one night
Under cover, out of sight
And draw our bows from the withies
And we'll stretch our strings
From twine that bark brings
And make a harp that sings
In the starlight
And you'll brood in the rude rushes
In a hood where you stood under crushes
Of the night when it fell
When we heard the tolling bell
Ring out like a warning through the reeds
So meet me on the island
Where all of it bleeds
And it mixes in the river
And its carried in the flood
I can see your eyes full of water too
Like you could cry by the riverbank
But darling can't you tell
The island is ours as well
So let's keep it a secret
And give thanks
To keep it
Kick out the kites
And Deliver the doves
The gulls are so bright
Silouhetted crosses above
Where the crows crowd in a parliament
And parle about the world outside their branches
They sit on the wires,
like old men around fires
Discussing the government
Like cowboys on ranches
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Flying high above
Funny to be on an island
And not to feel love
He caught it on his I phone
Him phone Her phone
He and She
This Hoopoe was caught
In a net whoopee!
James saw a Hoopoe
This is all I can say
It was many years ago
From here an eternity away
I call back to my past
My bird song echoes
But it will not last
As all the love
That we must one day
Let go of
The Hoopoe
Was as transitory
As a cloud shadow
He picked out its dimensions
Zoomed into its pixels
Like some wanted fellow
A felon escaped from prison
But it had no talons to speak of
Only this strange head
And then of course a distinctive call
To recognize miles and miles
Above the island of the dead
How many skulls have reverberated
This sound?
Called out for another's answer
Thinking themselves
The only other Hoopoe around
How many wood pecker skulls
have hammered the tree
And cracked like nutshells
Before they can get free?
How many skulls hear the ringing bells
How many hear the poetry?
Just the Hoopoe
Just the Hoopoe?
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Coal eyes burning
On the ship
On the rocking waves
I'm on my way
To the black coal face
I will work in the gutters
The shores of respite
Will heal my soul
And my ship will be scuppered
On that island of coal
I've hurt and I've suffered
For the whys and the Hows
The whos and the whats
But if I had to tell
What it was I learned
I can't say a lot
Apart from how and when
To be a fool to myself
When someone rings a bell
I jump
When they start to yell
I slump
Like a puppet on string
Held by you
The puppet island sailors
Are calling now
Writing letters
To the roving butterflies
That are blown across oceans
Whose pupae have squirmed
Chrysalises shake
In the mid Atlantic wake
Of the Ships
That go sailing by