Under the hill
And over the dale
The water runs on
In buckets and pails
And lamp lights glitter
The streets full of litter
Of the debris of the day of its flooding
Like getting blood from a stone
The mendips alone
Aren't places to roam
But men may atone
For sins they've committed
Or rights they've done wrong
The swords in the stone
Like the words in the song
And I have a home
In the hills of Rome
Like in Bath the seven paths
All lead to one
Beneath the settled slabs
The calcite, limelight
The shining light shone
Flashing in the darkness
Of Remembering black swan
Gliding on the white lake
Of certainty throngs
Of people gathering above
In the busy world all day-long
But in the quiet echo chambers
The sound reverberates
It's a kind of cranium
a skull
Hollowed out by evolution
Of the water-blood flow
To breathe new thinking space
Into the timeless blue
This hill is a head
That has been contemplating time
And the world for millennia
Each epoch creates a new network
Of channels
Water was its neurons
It had water on the brain
The rain fell on its crown
And it began to think
I am a hill, a rock
But what is a rock
But a composition of chemicals
Elements and minerals
A body waiting to react
To the lifeblood of water
And in the thinking it loses itself
A part is washed away in the flood
Of passing thought through the passages of time
Yet the loss is like a growth
A thinning of the excess weight
Of past ideas, preconceptions
And judgments about the world
That proved false
Or only true for the time they were laid down in
No longer a present reflection of the status quo