
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Withy wind

 Withy wind,


withy wind 


 tightening your grip

all the time

Got to break your


before the death bind

While there's still time

Withy wind

Withy wind

I've been standing still

And haven't seen you

Grow up my legs, my wall

To my windowsill

It's getting like I can hardly see at all

Withy wind

I'm almost blind

Got to get you out of my mind

Break out the jungle of your vine

I cut you down, but you grow back up

I hope I've moved off your plot

 in time

Because either you kill me

Or we both unwind

Oh withy wind



Saturday, 13 January 2024

Garden gnome

 I fell in love with a garden gnome

He was always there when I got home

Always listened when I was alone

That's how I fell in love

With my garden gnome

He's travelled far and wide

But now he prefers his pond side

To sit there hour after weary hour

And catch the fish beneath the lily flower

But I love my garden gnome

Though I know his heart is of stone

We've gone on many an excellent adventure

From the town of shepton to the county of bedfordshire

And even once to Paris and Rome

Oh how I do love my garden gnome

The constant gardener

 When you say you love her

Could you be together

Any wind or weather

The wind must blow alone

For the ivy on the wall will blacken

The brambles tie up in the bracken

The fireflies twist in flaxen

And the rooks cry out in a klaxon

And all, above it all

Don't you wish you were

The constant gardener

Have you ever fallen in love

With someone you work with?

Is it a case of just making the glove fit

Well if you've ever fallen in love with

Someone you work with

Was their husband a git or did they have


Was there a bolt from the blue sky

That meant you were too nice a guy 

or too shy to try

When you're in love, in love with

Someone you work with

And you can't stay or leave the room

But you must be friends make play

Of doom and gloom

And laugh as if life is gay

When really it is grey

Until you say I love you

And she says it too

Until then you have to be 

the constant gardener

I wish I could be like

the constant gardener

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Inside the garden

 The curtains are pulled tight

but you can look over the walls

Every morning and night

You just might

Leave the garden

The birds and bees are happy

On the flowers and the trees

All the starlings startle and freeze

But the trees know no disease

Inside the garden

Little mice tiptoe

Badgers go to and fro

Inside the garden

My love stands at the gate

And I say goodbye to hate

Inside the garden

You can get all you need

Be far from sin and greed

in the garden

Oh the sun always shines

Upon your spindly lines

In the garden

The anteaters thump

the grasshoppers jump

Inside the garden

Memory fades away

Like an elephant's grave

Inside the garden

You'll have no more fear or doubt

Even if it rains or there's a drought

Inside the garden

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Love Spade sonnet number 5

 Shall I compare thee to a garden hoe

Thou art more buxom and less straight

And were I to call a spade a spade

A spade by any other name would cut as deep

As the wound your lover's blade has inflicted on mine breast

Shall I compare thee instead to a cold north wind

Which blows down my allotment rows

Freezing all my peas, tearing my cabbage leaves

But no, thine own wind is more poisonous by far

And were it not able to let sleeping dogs lie

I should compare you to a roamin' butterfly

Who wanders aimless through the summer fields

Makes acquaintance with dogrose, or dandilion

But her self has teeth enough when she's a pup

To cut as deep, into my brassica leaf or butter cup

Or as a caterpillar grub to hang high above in Beech

Or as pure as a silken glove as a Chrysilis who speaks

Of stolen love, and innocence though monsterous actions dreams

Well after all, lets call a spade a spade, you do no more harm

lest you keep your forked tongue behind your rake's teeth

For when winter's storm comes to blow dead leaves down my street

I hold you by the trunk and ask those same fastidious protuberances

Be used to clean the mould from between the toes of my frozen feet

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Placing an order

 A four pronged pick

Two Dutch hoes 

And a billhook

Look what do you take me for?

A pillock?

A billhook

Two Dutch hoes, from Amsterdam?

No the garden variety

For digging me rows

And beddin' in I suppose

Oh wouldn't you like to know?!

Oh and some flower seeds

Got any Corncockle?

In me pocket yokel

How about Lady's bed straw

Top draw

White Campion

She's a Champion

And grows

four feet tall who knows?

Evening Primrose

Evening Sir

Oxeye Daisy

I'll have four, for me and Miss Mazy

Driving down to the Oxbow lake

To drown our sorrows

Self Heal?

They're only in tomorrow

And Corn Poppy

Hippity Hoppity 

What a happy shopper

Alright how about a pair of telescopic loppers

Coming right up

From round the bend

Periscopic perambulation

Of a flexible friend

Draper edging shears

Oh yes give me a trim around the ears

And shovel square mouth T handle

Open wide sir, let me stick it in

Ah now that feels better

Your face is the ace of spades

Not fit for a king A Rib-eyed Stake

A T-bone?

No a sharpening stone



As a pound

And a sharpening stone


As a pancake sir

Anything more after all that?

Just one thing my good man, and mind you're back chat

A lawn rake 21" Eagle

Eerie sir?

No, ordinary

Spread or Closed?

Spread? What do you take me for, some kind of crow?

Crow, a crow a cock-a-doodle doo!

Listen you cockerel fool, fooey to you

Well, I'll call you in the morning

Deliver to your hovel?

Sir, you are too rude, by the way add to that 

a shovel

Oh and a wheelbarrow

20 ltr poly blue

Right first thing tomorrow

Is there anything else I can do?

No you've done quite enough

I think I need a tissue

To wipe off my sweaty brow

I do believe we're through

Monday, 20 March 2023

The Garden Stroll

In the early light
When witches candles turn low to smite
The earthly walkers on a stroll
Beside an ancient garden wall
Then one says to the other
“How strange!?
The brick work of Eden has been rearranged.”
As they ponder mortar and stone
They feel the feeling they aren’t alone
Then an archway becomes clear
Designated this way; ”Do not Enter Here!”
They hold hands then cross the threshold
Into a garden bright and so bold
The green’s of willow
The lush of Ash
Oaken avenues stand in stash
All look starkly like someone’s preserve
They feel darkly like they do not deserve
And then a hare and next a rabbit
Come by close as if by habit
Disarmed the intruders are quite standoffish
Then they realise they appear quite selfish
And pet and talk kind words to the mammals
Feeling next they may meet some camels
As they stand and pervade the view
The garden’s paradise changes hue
And far over a foreign hill
They see Cain fight Able, until one is killed
And open under heaven’s skies
They see rains fall and flooded lies
Noah’s Ark is there by chance
But many a bad creature takes death’s dance
And suddenly they too are running from the flood
By this they find the ties of water
Much stronger than those of blood
All washed up now on heaven’s shore
They think of their stroll to the garden’s core
And they think to themselves, but neither comment
They should not have walked in wherever they wanted

Monday, 1 August 2022



give me True, true and the honey badgers

of destiny and the child of the sun

And the Empire of choices

Give me silence

Without voices,

But I did not ask for that

It just came

I am the town crier, big of heart

And girth hear me tell

My well trod tale

Down to the pitiless earth

I'll leave a few hair pins

Bends and turns

And twist like myrtle bushes

The thorn in the briar couldn't

Climb much higher

Than my story of which I birth

In corridors of power

Nameless towers

Where Hebrew nuns did shine

The walls they cower 

In shadows shower their lines

I wrote down on their spindly veins

Which mortal mortar could complain

And read the runes and bled the lanes

That brought me there to you

They follow fleeting folly

Like fellows bellows and swallows

Breathing pigeons

In harmonica halls

And crumbling churches and catapulting rules

Like books from school by be-brollied kids

As the rain fell down

It fell in spatters that greyed the town

Left black the tarmac pavements

And shined the dustbin lids

But the Crayfish gang came round

On their motorbike steer pikes

whaling it up and down

The Saint Peter and Paul street

Fly away said I, fly, away

Peter and Paul,

Where have they gone my patron saints

Come back Peter,

Come back Paul

Give us some guidance,

Paint thinner Saint sinner

They stole it

They stealed it, and pocketed it

And pilloried and picked it

Out my throat

Oh we're all in the same boat you say

This is democracy we all have a voice

Not me, taken, not my choice

But surely shocking though it is

To fight with kids over a crisp packet floating in the


Who has it now? Crumbling tin

Sheep, and shops.

That's rat-ta tat-tat Mallet,

Chase that rat out-ta town

With a hammer swinging like

John the Baptist

At all the holy unholy ones

Who never live up

To what I have my mind

It takes ten years to learn to sing

To play anything creative

For the neurons to realign magnetically

I suppose

Like pigeon pose, like lay lines, 

We follow

Down a rabbit hole or wishing well

Playing get well, with speed well

And Cabbage whites in circles

Always the dance of Madam Butterfly

The dance of white butterflies

Except they took it to Mells

The Krayfish gang

On the night of the New Moon

And I was wearing

The Pajamas of peace

And wonders will never cease

When you wear the pajamas of peace

And even the police, will stop and decease

and mop up their mullets in Shepton Mallet

And serve their skullet hair cuts

And their cutlets in skillets, and perfect palettes of cheese

And please what's the matter officer?

What's the platter, pita patta of tiny breaded knees

And pudding, and price cut butter

And cease Electricity and gas

Wonders will never cease

When I wear my pajamas of peace

But they still took it,

My voice, It was locked away by the bad boys in chains

In voiceless town of Mells

They had no voice, I had no choice

Now they have mine

The Krayfish boys

You better watch out the Krayfish brothers

Out to revenge their Cuttle-fish mother

Who was picked and pecked by chickens and parrots

Who left her marooned in the Town of carrots

And mocked her voice

And repeated it still like a gravelly husk

That bent at her will

Parrot fashion, pigeon livin'

Slim pickin's in the forest of wills

So she lost it, they kept her in a cage

The family and every day they pecked her bones

And sharpened their own bills on her

So they could speak

But all they did was mimic what they heard

Parrot, fashion, parrot fashion, what a bird

But what a fish they say, could give up her day

And life at sea to be kept like a voiceless canary

In a cage and never to sing

So they stole mine and gave it to her

Now she's singing in Mells

Where the witches will stir the cauldron of Kells

And books of demure

And the looks and the smells of opening doors

To foreign lands where they don't hurt anymore

And are happy

Oh happiness now there is the cure

Or is it yet another illusion

Brought on by the Parrot delusion of copying

All what others would have you be

Find your voice sir

Find it buried under the sea

The river runs from here

Under the road and across the Frithfield

And down beneath  the prison walls

Just where the Krayfish gang used to be

Held tight like posterity Their 

posteriors pushed up against walls,

Somewhere beneath the river runs deep

And their voices call

All the imprisoned voices carried away

Down the wells

back to the heart of the Mendips

Back down

The slippery rocks of Croscombe

Joining the Sheppey at Bowie

Down the Cathedral at Wells

And it joins the Bishops Palace moat

And these sinners voices

Find absolution in their daily ablutions

In the rivers and Wells

And then they spring up again

Free you see to be drunk deep

By a citizen and spoken

For the river will carry all our voices away one day

From the children playing in the park

To the dogs' bark

From the ducks' quacks

To the squawk of the lesser black-backed gulls

And the shop assistant girls in Martin McColls

And the tills which ring out in shrill thrill

Of all the useless money they eat

And all the football louts in pubs

And rubber dub dub three men in a tub at Mells

All their voices are going down the plug hole

Even the witch of Wookey hole

But hey will be held lock and key, no not stole

Kept safe in the memory of water, whole

As one

On their way out to the sea, the Bristol Channel

Where they will be churned and turned

And broiled and mixed with the Welsh voices 

Of the Valleys and hills

The Brummie accents and yam yams of the black country

The dark Satanic Mills

And all the Irish voices floating in on the Irish sea

Swept around from Anglesey

And even the Scots

Who sail down the coast

And greedily spy the mainland

No voice is ever truly lost

It is drunk down again as rain

After the sea has sung it out in loss and pain

And in happiness has breathed it up to heaven

Where clouds are voice spirits come again

To reform and coalesce in a conference of words

And meanings and things spoken, or remembered

Of jokes told or cut short

Or lovers' whisperings

And they fall as rain in droplets on the land to be soaked up

To be felt on felt topped or broad brimmed hats

To be licked off the cheeks by thirsty tongues

To be drunk down deep, when the new day comes

And the mother turns on the taps

boils the kettle makes a cup of tea

And says to her child, how did you sleep?

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Pruner -Somerset Skyline

Somerset Skyline
The look of Apple trees in Winter
Their Spiny fingers
Bud knuckles
Ladders of nearly buds grapple
The cold sky like hooks
Whose black blue bruise
Of storm clouds roll in on the horizon
And they claw at it
Apple trees are thought of so innocently, happily
But Apples were in the Garden of Eden
The knowledge of Good and Evil
The Fruit that gives this knowledge
As alive and promiscuous as anything
World changers
And when I prune them
Am I cutting back the tree of knowledge
Hurting the chances of this bursting secret?
Its branches never fall freely they grapple
Unlike the apple
The limbs of thought like ideas in a brain
Interweave, hook and thread on new neurons
The old memories are cut away
To make room for new
The buds are nodes the chance of new connections
In an infinity of chemical reactions of the air and the tissue
Material of earth is sculpted by the brain tree into its new thought
Its atmosphere of the moment

The pattern of their branch shadows
And the crinkle of their oval leaves underfoot
The pages their ideas are written on
Lying open to the sky
And the precious fruit

Inviting you to try