What's passing through
My mind as
I'm thinking I'm king Midas
Passing through
Everything turns to gold
And green
Butcher of the future
Like a whale boat scene
It looks blue
But I'm only passing through
Only spare, fair
Jesus or Freud
Slow jesus
All manner of
You have to ask
Past and the present
Your mother, father, brother
Change is good, change is good
Change of pace of mood
Jesus or Freud
Can't tell who I met on the bus
That day
He was sub-conscious swimmer
Delver of the elver feelings
The slippery eels of the mind
Who can control them
Jesus was psychoanalyst
Lie on my couch
Let me heal you
Mouth to mouth
But Jesus was he
Super Ego, id, or Egoless
Like that poet -rapper himself
Was Freud always looking for the trinity
Divided affinity -
Father, Son and Holy spirit
The penis envy between them
Perhaps Jesus had an oedipus complex
Was he in love with Mary
Did he wish to kill his father
Electra, Casandra
Foretelling his own death