
Thursday 11 July 2024

Shish Kebab song

 She was a shellfish seller

She sold shell fish on the shore

He was a selfish fella

He only wanted more and more

He ate too many shellfish

six hundred and sixty six to be sure

And she went right off this fella

As he was bloated when he floated she saw

She saw this selfish fella one last time upon the cliffs of Mor

And then balloon and belly flopped and was not seen no more

Oh what a selfish fella

To eat all dear Clemmies Clams

Now she shall sell jelly made out of yellow yams

There is no use in yelling, they say to her and swore

But her earrings are nautilus shells that sing of the swaying shore

So shell shocked sheltered shelly

Fell flat and flatly floored

The cat of catkin kevin

Who drew new blood with her paw

Poor poor Peter Peregrine

Peregrinated the parade

Picking off pecking pigeons

As they parambulated the promenade

Flashing like a farthing

The starving starling flew

As if out the gulags of Stalin

Into the freedom of the blue

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