
Showing posts with label woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woods. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Wooden man

There'll be blue birds over the white cliffs of somebody who used to like diving

Trip adviser score for Wuhan Wet market


Retiring like a dragonfly

He rules his kingdom
With an iron rod
There's no one above him
No one except God
And he gets to say who lives and who dies
With a nod of his head
Or a look from his eye

He is judge and jury
And the hangman
You can draw me in there
I'm a dead man
They tried me once
Below the flag pole
When they ran up the flag
So deep sank my soul

How long, how long,
How long you may ask
How long will I stand it
How long is my task
Will I abide and keep quiet
Hold my tongue
Let it pass
Well I find it so hard but I try it

The red man came to stand in the flame
And the yellow man too he did the same
Now the black man lived and died not in vain
But to the white man in charge
Its all just a part of his game

How long, how long will we wait to be free
Free from turmoil and flood and the blood of the the sea
Where is the love from which we can all be
With the wings of a dove flying like he

The coalman came to blacken my soul
And the hardman came to harden my heart
And I lost control of my horse and cart
And it pulled down the road where lovers part

How can, who can know his own fate
The garden of Eden, St Peter waits at the gate
But who will get there early, and who will be late
Now I don't have flower power, but I know Spring is a state

Monday, 20 March 2023

Great Breech Wood

I went to walk in Great Breech wood
And found myself where trees abound
The North wind blew between dead twigs
And curled the leaves that lay on the ground

My nose it twitched, my ears they itched
I felt the presence of deer and hounds
I saw a squirrel run to a trees furthest reach
And heard the forest birds song of sound

The nettles stung, the beeches browned
The Oaks were strengthened by the ground
The leaves curled in the winter furls
That twirled the wind and around me wound

And my love did call from beneath an ash’s eves
Like a satellite I was drawn to its planetary crown
Then Great breach wood was torn asunder
It gave forth lumber of Larch and pine
All of it under a winter storms thunder
Which rattled the bones of all those near
Their toppling heights and treacherous climbs

My dear lady was struck by a bolt of lightning
A love dart from the Gods struck her in her prime

And the planetary dark that ensued was a wonder
To walk in this park I felt was a crime
My romantic soul wished to lurch in search of a number
By which I could dial then bring back the time

But the forest which was wiser than mountains
Held my soul fast so alone I did climb
To birth the last hope I had of my loved one
And set her soul free her one God to find

Now alone I walked through the forest alive
Badgers scurried like bank clerks collecting
Their wad of twigs and worms like knives

The wood pecker sung the pigeon cooed
A single black bird alone mewed

And rats slumbered beneath
Rotting tree limbs
As foxes cavorted singing howling hymns

Then the forest was then quiet as a graveyard hushed
As greenery flourished
And foliage lushed

The sandal wearing saint was knighted
The night began its game
Half housed between this world and the next
As in the eves called the owls

And many Stations of the Cross were planted
As herbs and forest plants were avowed
Into sacred celebration
Of the moon lit majestic cows (boughs)
Who’s alien forms besmirched the landscape
And past the night with heavy sounds

Until in the dawn rose the single starlings
In the flock of chorus loud
And beneath the canopy of heaven
Wrote the names of those in shroud

To be remembered by the martyrs
Who had seen and died,
And lived then bowed

And this I saw while I was walking
All this was mine of to be most proud
Inside the Breach of the Great Wood Vaunted
And opened its vaults to the sun and the cloud