
Wednesday 31 July 2024

Tale of two woolly jumpers

 A man fell off a bridge, luckily a thread of his jumper got caught

on the railing and as he fell it broke his fall as it unravelled

What a marvel!

More marvellous than that was on the other side of the bridge

A sheep fell off and went splat

It just goes to show how sometimes it's better

To give away what you own

Than wear it yourself

Or else it was just a lucky woolly jumper

The man with the golden smile

 No he never gets his hands dirty

That just ain't his style

But if you ask him for a loan

He'll flash to you his grin that shows you his wile

For he is the man with the golden smile

Oh he operates in a place where they win or lose

Gambling in thousands makes his winnings ooze

Betting on the horses, over furlongs even miles

For he is the man with the golden smile

When he's losing, he spreads his winnings wide

Then they bring in their returns on the next tide

Coming back stronger, gaining interest all the while

For he is the man with the golden smile

Don't you know he's more powerful than a politician

Don't you know you'll never dent his well crafted mission

His image has been managed so carefully with great guile

For he is the man with the golden smile

Wednesday nights

 I mixed up my Wednesday night community hall classes

There was Kung foo and Weight watchers

I couldn't decide which to join

So I decided to combine them into the Kung Food Fighters

Where we deflect blows from parsnips

And other hard vegetables

Sunday 28 July 2024

The Nautical Strawberry

 Sea Shanty Shepton

Oh come to the Mendips

Where the rain drizzles down

And the cows are like seals who swim over the crown

Of the grass which swells

Like a giant tsunami to Wells

And the sheep are like dolphins skimming along

Ducking and diving singing whale song

The rabbits are the tuna leaping in the air

Badgers are the monkfish, Salmon are our hares

And we are the sailors fishing in these seas

Leas of green grasses, gardens of green peas

Bringing on our sea fruit, water raspberry

Marine cabbages and the nautical Strawberry

As we plough the paths with mattocks, 

As we scythe or strim the grass tussocks

We sing our sea shanty songs

To the moon and the sun

Oh I wish to be a real sailor hauling out to sea

But I'm in my tractor ploughing the brown lea

Oh our straits are real narrow, 

they are as wide a wheel barrow

And my moles do burrow furrows like twisting eels

And we have furlongs and leagues for our steeds

no 49th Parallel nor sea horses indeed

If you're looking for the Rock of Gibraltar

You could do no better than the Glastonbury tower

That sits like an island in the stream

Yet we still have our sea shanty dream

That we are battling spray jets

Hunting whales for bets

Porpoises and dolphins seen

Somewhere jumping over fields of green

You may see storms fronts rolling in

But we see hedges trapping us on the Mendips

As the shore is lapping thin

But we keep on a hopin'

There will be some ropin'

So we keep on haulin' in

For we may catch a whale

If you never try, you never fail

And if we keep tryin' we may eventually win

C'est Fin!

Saturday 27 July 2024

Something Fishy

 I smell something fishy

Down at the sea shanty

But I can't put my finger on it

Is it the wishy washy, dishy sloshy 


Or is it the lack of a mast?

I think we're on dry land, Avast!

Put out me hearties

We'll sail passed Haskins

And up on over the ride

There's a strong wind at our tail 

 blowing filling our sails

Throw the jettison over the side

We need to lose weight

The hull she's a sinking

A listing over to one side

From when she hit a car at Tescos

Whooah there she blows!

A whale down the West Shepton rise

Flukes in the air at West Compton road

Fire me flares on the ridge

Harpoon the Right Whale turning left at the hospital

Let's moor up here for a smidge

They like their tonguing in Bowlish

They talk in tongues down in Darshill

In Longbridge many sailors are Polish

They swig rum from the bottle on Tipcote hill

Let's tack into the wind past the Viaduct

The Whale is towing us North

We've been sailors since before the empire sucked

The British sure had a good few ships put forth

And many a sailor came from the Mendips

Many from the coast of course

But they hew down the oak trees to build Galleons

And Spanish bulleons crossed the atlantic in force

Wooly jumpers from Shepton hit the high seas

And they were exported on fast clippers to India

Jumping woolies wished they were on board them

But they had to grow more wool on them first

Swim away

 Swim away you Whales

Swim away today

Swim away you porpoise dolphins

Swim away you may

Be free from net or barbed spear

Swim from jetty or the pier

Swim, now swim away

Swim away you swimmers

Swim across the bay

Swim away to freedom

Swim away today

Swim around the headland

Swim on through the waves

Swim away to freedom

You no longer are the slaves

The day we went to catch the whale

Oh the ropes were singing in our hands

The soap suds were a rubbing

Upon the decks with our arms and hands

The planks and boards a scrubbing

Gleaming were the gunwales

Taught strung our bright sails

On that morning it was all aboard

The day we went to catch a whale

Oh laddie, bet your britches daddy

Get harpoon and fork or spoon

We're off to land a baddy

Oh Mammy, you sent him off your Sammy

Now he's aboard with a scope and swore he spied a tail

The day we went to catch the whale

As we put out the salty locks

Of seaweed slapped our faces

The flow tide from the Bristol docks

Put us through our paces

Then just between Flatholm and Steepholm

We saw the spraying traces

Of Whale flukes like Royal Dukes

Off to see the races

Oh laddie, bet your britches daddy

Get harpoon and fork or spoon

We're off to land a baddy

Oh Mammy, you sent him off your sonny

Now he's aboard with a scope and swore he spied a tail

We'll never got bored as the seagulls soared

The day we went to catch the whale

As we approached the whales broached

A certain conversation

They gave forth their spume and froth

Like every whale nation

But our boats answered back in a likewise forthright manner

And towed the line of harpoon twine

And rowed out to meet them tongs and hammer

Oh laddie, bet your britches daddy

Get harpoon and fork or spoon we're off to land a baddy

Upon the deck we craned our necks to be first to spy a tail

It all was all aboard, then sally forth

the day we went to catch a whale

The first mate threw his harpoon screw

And it skewered itself in

The Right whale's side but he couldn't abide

The whaleman's avaricious grin

The whale came in, the whale went out

It dove down and pulled us about

The whale went out and it came back in

The day we went to catch a whale

Back and forth the whale fought

In and out the harbour

Never better a whale man's sport

Than for something he must labour

Coming round the headland coming up the leas

We were nearly in Newfoundland

By the time he began to wheeze

Down he dove like a Jove

Then like a Jupiter ascending

He came back up and stove-in

our hull as if to him offending

The captain hopped upon his toes

The first mate danced a jig

To think of all the damaged blows

done to his precious rig

But the devilish whale never left the water

so we never did the tonguing and slaughter

But he beat his tail like a gale 

The day we went to catch a whale

Oh laddie, bet your britches daddy

Get harpoon and fork or spoon

We're off to land a baddy

Oh Mammy, you sent him off your Sammy

Now he's aboard with a scope and swore he spied a tail

We'll never get bored as the seagulls soared

The day we went to catch the whale

He towed us back to Bristol docks

And round the rocks of Portishead

In ebb tide we nearly died upon the estuary bed

But the flood of new blood lifted us from our slumber

The whale now freed from seaweed towed on his lumber

Upon the pier, a crowd appeared to cheer us on our return

Seeing our sorry manner they took down their banner to burn

The whales eye did seem to spy our state of poor appraisal

And enjoyed how he had toyed with us by his fierce assail

But his was a tale of a fluke not a fail, for safe back home we'd sailed

And no one railed but drank deep his ale

They day we went to catch the whale

Oh laddie, bet your britches daddy

Get harpoon and fork or spoon

We're off to land a baddy

Oh Mammy, you sent him off your Sammy

Now he's aboard with a scope and swore he spied a tail

We'll never get bored as the seagulls soared

The day we went to catch the whale

A swinging good time

 Oh we had a swinging good time

Swinging on the Strawberry line

Swinging billhooks and swinging scythes

Swinging axes and taxes and tithes

Swinging dog poo in its bags

Into hedges makes Steve mad!

Swinging dogs and hogs and do

Swinging horses, boar thistle and ragwort too

All about on a Friday morn

While Jane was swinging her strimmer at the corn

Grasses and weeds and dandelion dawn

That brightened over the ridge rise

Where the orange men marched their bridge with pride

Detecting swinging bricks and bats

Detecting swinging cricks and cracks

Everything was swinging 

We had a swinging good time

As the birds were singing

In the sweet sunshine

Thursday 25 July 2024

A town called Mallet

Looking for some life about

Walk up and down the road

Walking to the North or South

But all I see are frogs and toads

Oh it's a town called Mallet

Looking for some life about

Crossing the roads and paths 

Hearing the sounds of parties 

But I get lost walking in the park

In a town called Mallet

Falling out with everyone

Everyone I ever knew

Because let's face it, there is not much else

Not much else for folks to do

In a town called Mallet

Every boring evening 

should be filled with life and joy

But when it comes to believing 

I become your like your little toy

In a town called Mallet

Dum, dum de da, dum dum de da dum

Neighbours in their windows

As nosey as can be

Lookin' out at what the wind blows

Down the streets so ill-at-ease

Here comes the love again

Behind Shapes and figurines

Here comes the love again

Just daggers and smoke screens

In town called Mallet

Here love is just a dog's bark

That goes echoing down the alley

And the river flows in the dark

Down the Sheppey valley

In a town called Mallet

I should have left here years ago

No, I should never have came

But I followed where the wind blows

No I just ran away in shame

To a town called Mallet

I think I have to leave here now

It's broken and it's torn

And all the love is an illusion somehow

All love since I was reborn

In a town called Mallet

The right side of love

 Keep me on the right side

Always on the right side

Keep me on the right side of love

Don't want to be on the wrong side

The tracks bent, the rails rent

Black is every night I spent

Walking on the wrong side of love

So keep me on the right side

Every cloud has a silver side

Keep me shining like the sun above

I might walk in the moonlight

But never in the doomed delight

Oh keep me on the right side of love

Talking Willow blues

 Well the wild willow

Did whip me

Slapped me in the face 

Gave me a bruise

Well I should have known

What I was stalking

Now I'm talking about 

The wild willow blues

I went out hunting the tree monster

 A talking tree gave me the news

That there was this willow walking

Eating up people with its root shoes

So I put my ax upon my shoulder

I paid my tax to my muse

And took off a chip the size of a boulder

As I stepped out to hunt the Willow blues

This willow monster was a weeping

Crying out "I've been abused!"

By all the peat men who lie a sleeping

Down in the land where love is used

This willow woman went a whipping

all the men who she had confused

And lulled into her path by lovely lipping

Yet now she sings her Willow blues

Talking willow, do not trick me

I've listened to your sad song you've no excuse

To be eating your willow lovers in the lea

When they follow your song of Willow Blues

This Singing Willow then sang like a Siren

She sang of sallow hearts and sweet profuse

Of flowers growing in an Eden's Garden

Where two lovers Adam and Eve got the blues

She sang now I was there with the Apple tree

And I talked to her, she could not refuse

To join the poison snake of the Chapelry

And add its spice to the Willow tree blues

She was dancing in a river when I caught her

With the nymphs and pan pipes that they use

And she put up quite a fight when I fought her

But in the end I sung the ax swingers blues

I chopped up her branches and made logs

I burnt them on a pyre of refuse

But her trunk sang a song of howling dogs

As her salty bark sang her last Willow Blues

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Willow Walking

 Take me where the willows meet the highway

Take me where the wind whispers my dreams

Take me on a walk for a while away

Take me to the other side of the stream

I'm in a land made of water

I'm on a lake made of reeds

And as the aspen shimmers I sort a

Know a change of scene is what I need

They cut heaven out of the skyway

They put it down on a lake of green

And if you are ever going my way

You'll know exactly what I mean

Looking upon a lake

 The spiders are weaving their webs

in the hide shutter window opened wide

Where the wind flows and ebbs

Like the haunted house of the jilted bride

The shield bug crawls on the side board

It thinks about hopping off overboard

Then crawls to my elbow, all is a rainbow

As varnish reflects the sun's glow

And the lake is a shield of glass

Reflecting the clouds as they pass

The greys and the blues of all different hues

These are the colours of time's mass

The shield bug has reached my wrist

he's climbed up my sleeve like a cliff

Will he reach my shoulder by the time I'm older

I really don't mind I'd give him a lift

The morning spiders are fishermen

Casting their nets in the wind

The flies are their fishes then

They'll catch them if visitors don't come in

I've come to see the fine lily

They're lying down in the valley

Like a Monet painting, but with no one curating

Unless the creator of all things

If my life is a carpet of lilies that I tread upon

It really is quite silly, to walk upon a duck pond

Now it could be a Marsh Harrier has come

She circles above everyone

The glassy lake reflects her flight

And I hope one day that I might 

Feel so graceful and strong

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Ocean's end

 Take me to the ocean's end

I want to go to the end of the ocean with you

Let's go to the ocean's end

Let me go 

Where deep waters flow

Over the edge of the horizon

Take me to the end of the ocean

Take me to the ocean's end

Lift me up upon the wave

Of your becoming body

Let me sink in your grave

I don't want to be here

Without you

Without your love

In the whirlpool

Summer garden

 Another rose blooms in the garden

Another rose in the blue skies

And down the road the truth is hard

On the prisoners behind their bars

The truth is in the dark

It opens up the clockwork

Of the grandfather clock

Over the stile, over the hill again

And again

He walks, as the sun rises

In the summer skies

Monday 15 July 2024

Ghost dog

 Ghost Dog in the castle

Ghost dog in the park

Ghost dog chase the parcel

Of the postman in the dark

Once he was a real dog

But he died a death

Barking in the bedstead

Barking was his breath

Barking was his bread

But poor black dog

Barked but didn't bite

All the bravery went out with the fight

Killing was not in his nature

He preferred to lie on furniture

Laying like a lazy lad

La Dee da Lady Dog boy

Now he is a ghost dog

Walking round the park

Chasing after sticks his owner 

Fails to throw

Walking round the perimeter

guarding the house

Barking of a ghost dog

Barking in the dark

Echo of the Ghost dog

Echo of a life

Barking, barking ghost dog

Don't it cut you like a knife


 I felt a spot of rain

I had a spot of bother

I had a spot of pain

Can you spot the witness?

Can you spot the difference?

For they both look the same

The one who is the victim

The culprit knew by name

But he'd been spotted in the distance

And attributed the blame

Surely a spot growing larger

Is just increasing shame

Is it a spot in the larder

Or on the window frame

Out, out damn spot

Lady MacBeth cried in vain

Yet I am just as guilty

As I feel a spot of rain

Is that your hand upon my shoulder?

Am I the one to blame?

Did I do it all alone

Or was there an accomplice in the frame?

Make me a spot of lunch, oh won't you deary

I feel a spot hungry, I feel a spot weary

I feel a spot but I forgot

Because a leopard never changes his spots

He justs joins up the dots

And hunts the stripy Zebras

Well I'll be a line instead

They're easier to see

Easier to spot

The wood for the trees

But you have to read between them

And then that's hard to be

The one to draw a line under

A spot of acrimony

Just draw a line

Dot the i's and cross the t's

It's better not to lie

And any way the truth

Ain't got a spot on me

Thursday 11 July 2024

Shish Kebab song

 She was a shellfish seller

She sold shell fish on the shore

He was a selfish fella

He only wanted more and more

He ate too many shellfish

six hundred and sixty six to be sure

And she went right off this fella

As he was bloated when he floated she saw

She saw this selfish fella one last time upon the cliffs of Mor

And then balloon and belly flopped and was not seen no more

Oh what a selfish fella

To eat all dear Clemmies Clams

Now she shall sell jelly made out of yellow yams

There is no use in yelling, they say to her and swore

But her earrings are nautilus shells that sing of the swaying shore

So shell shocked sheltered shelly

Fell flat and flatly floored

The cat of catkin kevin

Who drew new blood with her paw

Poor poor Peter Peregrine

Peregrinated the parade

Picking off pecking pigeons

As they parambulated the promenade

Flashing like a farthing

The starving starling flew

As if out the gulags of Stalin

Into the freedom of the blue

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Sheep town

 In this town 

It is full of holes

Watering ones

Full of water voles

Wooden ones 

With the weevils in boles

In this town of wool

Tumbleweed blew down the street

The sheep thought it was someone

they'd like to meet

So they all bleat

But the tumbleweed blows

All round the town

Full of it's holes

And the weeds grow up

Through the gutters and drains

And some have guts

And some have brains

And some had both

And they remained

In the town with wooly name

Some sheep the fold

In the card game

Cash in their chips

Look for someone to blame

Some have pockets full of holes

And they can't stop it

Keeping pulling the poles

At the extreme ends of town

Where the loose ends play

Time is black hole

I keep falling in

By the time it's over

I'll know where to begin

But in the meantime

I'll try to live without sin

Cause in this holy town

The wool is wearing pretty thin

And I can't keep getting it

pulled over my eyes

Like a wolf in sheep's clothing

I can't keep wearing a disguise

What have the Romans ever done for us?

 They found a Roman Legionnaire

 underneath Dobbies Garden centre

But they left him lying there

Did not disturb his bones

But it was a big cover up

Because the Roman had clones

Yes and they all woke up

From their Romano tombs

Some were shell shocked

Some they were mushroomed

Each of them had a gold cup

And a steel blade for their slumber

And it lasted 2000 years

Or a similar Snow White indexed number

For this is no fairy tale

But a real regale of regalia

Of authentic artifacts

A case so hard to crack

That it took a Dobbies employee

To discover it in fact

At night the garden centre comes alive 

with 30 legionnaires all dressed to the knives

With their shining armour

And helmet beehives

Ready to do war with a rollicking rumba

These skeletons dance and jive up the aisles

The music comes on over the tannoy dials

And skating, skedaddling their general dives

On his knees like a dad at a wedding

They have no one to battle

But he marshals his troops

Like a herd of cattle

They fart and poop

Out the metal

Of their chain mail hoops

And scatter the kettles

And the reindeer loops

They love the garden centre

Such green thumbs have they

Well is it any wonder

Since they've been buried in clay

For the last 2000 years

Why didn't you hear me say?

No of course not, where's the evidence

I think I hear you say!

Well it comes from one Catriona Smith

Who works in Dobbies Canteen, no myth

She washes knives and forks and collects up

Used dishes

She takes stock out of chillers cold

The shelves she replenishes

Nothing she hasn't seen before

The young and the old

The tedium and exciting moments

Of a Dobbies Emporium

But a conundrum, a paradox

A tale of the here after

She never thought

She'd be the one the butt of laughter

And jokes of disbelieving listeners

But laugh at her they sure do

For they don't believe the story

Of the night she worked the midnight crew

She was in there at ten in the evening

The lights shone brightly, the shelves were a gleaming

The stock needed replenishing it was Christmas leading

And she needed the extra money, her bank balance was bleeding

Then her manager phoned in sick for the evening

He was meant to assist with the stacking and heaving

But at 5 to midnight she found herself with a whole load to do

And nobody to help, or nobody she knew!

For there was a silence then

The air was still, you could hear a pin drop

On to the cash till

Then she heard bebop 

and in her veins her blood started to chill

Who was it at this time of night

Turned on the musical bill?

But it wasn't very long that she was kept waiting to reveal

Who the culprits of this misdemeanor were for down soon went the deal

The skeletons came out the closet, quite literally and real

They were rising from the floor board hatches

and secret ceiling seals

Romans on the carpet, the royal reds of Caesar

Romans on the parapet, the purples of Mona Lisa

And Leonardo Da Vinci could have painted the picture

But as it was Dan Brown was mad he hadn't been there

For Catriona Smith was the only Dobbie bobby to feature

Then the thing she saw was beating deep in their chest cavities

The Roman heart of victory that had witnessed such depravities

began them dancing on Dobbies wares

They danced upon the coat hangers, and around picture frames

They tripped upon glass mirrors, shattering into shards

They even brought down paint thinners like a house of cards

They say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

But what of these bunch of bowsers bowling all their bones?

They rolled each other like bowling balls

Down the skittle alleys

And stood each up like king pins, into bony towers

They took for granted nothing

Not even meteor showers

And Halley's comet sure could plummet

The rise and fall of worldly powers

These Romans they had seen it all

And even got the T-shirt

But these weren't buried under JD sport

But Dobbies so they were having a ball

Now these jolly band of brothers

Wanted no more of the action

But that didn't mean they didn't like

A little midnight interaction

And as garden centres went Dobbies weren't the worst

They just dug the dirt on Damien Hirst

And even uncle Bulgaria

They sure had a few hobbits caught down in their holes

And probably a borrower in a supporting role

Then the skeletons they looked at her, and best they could they glared

But she fixed their steely gazes, while on the back of neck raised hairs

And we all knew what she wanted was a payrise, this wasn't fair

The managers only paid her time and half for being there

Supervising the undead who looked like trouble-makers

As it was they had pulled out plugs and become bone-rattle shakers

But what has management ever cared for her?

She loved her job, but surely this went above what duty had called for?

But the skull brained craniums just looked at her then their General stepped forth

We are the Roman Legion of Sheptonia Britannica you may call us the "Twenty Fourth"

We came her in the year AD24 under the leadership of Emperor Claudius

ruler of the Gauls, the tribal brawls and Germanic hordes never beat us

Then we came to Briton and met the Celts on their Green Belts who refused to respect us

You see they had their Gods and fields of sod, and were cider drinkers

It seemed to us this made them cuss and also quite strange thinkers

Their roads were bendy as a Cheshire cat's smile, and went on a country mile

Once we'd conquered them we had to straighten them, give it to 'em Fosseway style

Nothing wrong with a Roman Road make 'em long and wide

However when it comes to the Roman Nose there's a chink to the side

It goes straight and then it dog legs as a bow-legged bride

Anyway it was Aquiline, it let's the water run off the roof

Like a drain-pipe if one needs an analogy wherein lies the proof

And also it gave us pause for thought how else could water travel

Like the river on its course it meanders and it unravels

But what if force of engineering could make it just go straight

Or over roofs and houses where it had flooded of late

And so we invented the aqueducts, viaducts and arches

Bridges over troubled waters, where calmer water marches

And so we transformed the town of Shepton with hammer-axes 

And built the mills to pay the bills of the Emperor's taxes

But we were killed by rebels filled with resentment at the Roman rules

These Celts felt they never knelt to kings from foreign climes, the fools

But sure enough we were stuffed and buried in our britches

And we had slept well for 2000 years hear tell beside the fosseway ditches

What we dreamt we could never say but to have good soak in Bath

Aqua Sulis was our idea of a holiday a time to relax and laugh

I'd say that was the best contribution, we ever made to Great Briton

Well you can call me General dogs body, but I canine remember any better

An invention we gave to this island of Celtic whelps, no better help

But if you want us to give a Christmas present we'll tidy up your shelves

If you promise to get us a ticket to Glastonbury festival we'll be Santa's little elves

So what could Catriona do? She looked at the exit, she looked at the loo

She looked at her bank balance and it almost broke her heart

But if she abandoned the shift now, she knew she'd depart

And have no job over Christmas, so she stepped up to the plate

And with courage and gusto, told the skeleton crew not to wait

We have to make this store ready by tomorrow morning

So I'm commissioning you good Romans but I give you a warning

I'll get you all jobs on security or litter collection

 for I have some strings to pull and some good connections

But Glastonbury can be a quagmire, full of mud and bodies

And if you don't all pull together there'll be a pile of blood and squaddies

Pooled all out over the pilton fields, 200,000 visitors all looking for a meal

So the Romans agreed to her terms and her need, 

and made damn sure they helped her

For though in purse strings she was poor, 

in people she knew more

Than the neurons in the brain had connections indeed

In the end the Dobbies garden centre legionnaires

Cleaned up well, tidied all the shelves

Put out the Christmas stock and respected themselves

And as the sun rose up, they returned down their wells

And bid her farewell and and returned to where they dwelled

Catriona was beside herself with relief, 

and happiness of course that nothing had come to grief 

Her job was still hers the store looked pristine

The skeletons had mopped and polished everything clean

When her manager walked in he thought he was in a dream

And on the spot Catriona demanded a pay rise for what he'd seen

And an increase for all employees on the night shift team

For there were some bumps in the night if you know what I mean

So next time you think to yourself "What did the Romans ever do for us?"

Just check the viaducts, the straight roads, the Roman Baths and busts

And if you ever visit the festival show respect to crews

Who organize and supervise, empty bins and clean the loos

They may be Roman soldiers from two millenia back

Or they may just be a bunch of hippies who enjoy good old scrumpy jack

Sunday 7 July 2024

Fish called wonder

 I am just a fish swimming in the sea

 And you, oh you are like a dish

Of a satellite TV

You pick me up on my waves

You put me down again

And tune my scales until the grave

Like water on the brain

You flood my life with promises

Which makes me oh so brave

But you are just a fisher woman

Sailing on my waves

See my sea and feel me

Feel the key and tambre 

If it weren't for the free

I think slavery would lumber

Me with your oath to stand by my word

And kiss the seat of the bird

Who sang to me of cages

And the difference in our ages

Yet you are just a fish

Who swims in foreign sea

For the grass is always greener where

I can never be

Monday 1 July 2024

Sailor, oh sailor

 Sailor, oh sailor

Come to me

Lay your sails down white

Tie down the canvass

And down to sleep

We'll sail the deep sea tonight

Sailor, oh sailor come to me 

And live in my big white sheets

Roll on the pillows of my sea

And sail me to my sleep

Rock me, oh rock me big ocean

Until the other side of devotion

Sailor, oh sailor rock me

Rock me like a ship on the sea

Hold up the glass and spy the stars

Each is an eye shining bright

Looking down on us in our starless river

Flowing on into the night

Guide me, oh guide me

Candle Sun

Glow like a silkworm, moon light

Sailor I know you're a ghost but still 

I'll be like your ghost ship tonight

Mama I married a minotaur

 Mama I married a minotaur

I didn't mean for it to happen

I was muddled in a maze

Lost in a labyrinth 

And laid out legs a laze

Laying on a green plinth

In the supine summer haze

I could see the laser synths dancing in a daze

Suddenly from round the corner this mighty monster mosied 

Utterly unconscious like a bull that do si do sied

Like a Buffalo his head horny on the corners

I was like a child then a little Jackie Horner

Eating up my curds and whey anyway day dawner

Dreaming thought I, I find my way back out of this muddle

Then a misstep put my foot back into a puddle

The splash it woke the Minotaur who tore around the corner

And chased me around the bush and hedges of the rosey thorner

He chased me to the stone ledges and down to crypts and mourners

I felt I was in purgatory, that I was history a goner

But then the pearly gates did open Sunlight upon us shone her

Sacred light, from deep midnight and the shadows showed a stunner

Frozen in the light the Minotaur did harden

Until his teeth bit the dust of his girdled garden

I looked up to see Saint Peter and I begged his pardon

For disturbing him at his prayers outside bardon bardon

Don't come to me with your grief Said Saint Pete the rock

All things are built upon my shoulders church and world clock

The hands of time a resting heavy on my shoulders I weigh each

Minute in my hands as Atlas lifts his boulders

And Hercules did find him and pushed over the pillars of the Earth

And it tumbled into free fall, as it rumbled like a tree tall

In a forest with noone there to see it, does it really happen,

Did it ever trick us? Is it that I am dreaming? Did the Sunlight trick us?

Then the Sun was hidden behind a moon tide cloud

And the Minotaur came alive as an animal wild and loud

Roaring like a lion, howling like a banshee

lathering at the lips, growling and a gnashing he

Said hello nice to meet you my name is Sanjee

I've lived in this maze for many a long day, a thousand maybe 3

Could you spare a while and give a smile to poor old wicked me

I said sure why not Sir, you seem like a reasonable fellow

At first it's true, I was afraid of you but now I see you're quite mellow

Lets discourse on flag and horse, let's discuss the matter

Of the Sun and moon and tides and have a little chatter

How does one make small talk with a Minotaur in his lair?

I asked myself, but no need he dwelt, quite within God's care

It seemed he did like fiction and the works of Agatha Christie

And So I started on Poirot and whether he thought him Christian

He said my, my indeed I do, but I thought him Catholic too

Are you of course, a Jesuit, or Orthodox or Jew ?

He said no I'm from Crete, I said a Cretin? that'll have to do

So the very next May we were married, we Honeymooned in sunny Majorca

And for a Minotaurus Majorca was a major orca

Well a killer whale or part quail, but either way quite awkward

For he couldn't fail to show his tail and that way the press caught us

We were in every magazine From the Aegean to the Balkans

The man is free to be who he wants to be God taught us

But not if you're mother's Pasiphae and your Father's a taurus

Perhaps the Zodiac doesn't stretch that far and anyway astrology is naught-ass

 She was just a milk maid who went to milk the herd

But she went a bit beyond the pale you might say

When she milked the bull while he was making hay

And got the horn in a way quite unheard

But that was what little bird told us

Anyway you can't help who or what you love

And the heart wants what makes the heart jump

It's a matter of time and a matter of grace

And if in the night the bed bumps

Let's hope you don't fall on your face

But nothing can be worse than being stuck in a place

That you can't get out of so you have to erase

The maze

And start on the straight lace road


Whether you married a monster or a miller

a mobster or a killer, a he, she, it, her or him

Pronouns don't count as what lives within

And under the thick or thin skin 

Be grateful for the chance of love

And to live on the wing