The Shambabies
Walked out of the factory
They said they were making champagne
But they were really making babies
Were they real?
Was it a knocking shop?
I tried to investigate
But I could only see men going in
And babies coming out
Where were the women?
You need them to make babies I thought
Were they the same men turned into babies?
Some kind of shrinking or
Age reversal process
But no,
Their clothes wouldn't fit
And anyway
The same men came out again later - I checked it
So these truly were plastic babies
Shambabies, hidden
Behind a front of
It all made sense now
The puzzle pieces started to fit together
They held baby showers in there
They invited the mothers of Eastern Europe in there
Who brought their babies
And then somehow they were plastic coated
But no, it was more sinister than even that
They were Frankenstein babies
Created by scientists, marinated in cider
And then put out into the world
The new doll army of Shepton Mallet
But what was their purpose
These walking automatums
To take over from the adults?
The could never grow up
They would never grow old
Would they simply stay
To look after the world
Be the next and final generation of humans
No more after that
A garden of Eden tended by plastic babies
Paradise - or so they thought
And their leader?
They had none, none that I was aware of
All of a sudden I looked up and saw in the bushes
Stalking next to the factory
Like a giant guard dog
The yellow neck and disney head of
Lead Babychammer herself
The Babycham Bambi
Its big blue bow tie rushing the branches out the way as it went
Was it grazing I thought
It looked more magesterial, and queen like
In the early dusk it surveyed its grounds
And looked down onto the court yard
Where the army of babies was lining up
In regimental fashion
After the last of the yellow babies had assembled
The Bambi spoke
Goo gaa, gaga, googa gaga
Duke google and Lady Gaga
Walked out into the throng
Duke Google - I see now that is how he has controlled
The babies
And Lady Gaga has sung them songs
To keep them motivated
And in her meat dress she sang one now
Gaga gaga it went, and goo goo
And Duke Google said Google Google
Goggle, goggle, goo, goo gaga
And the babies seemed to know and understand
Exactly what was being said to them
Luckily I had my baby translator app
On my google watch I had just bought
And it translated for me -
Go forth in Shepton Mallet
Kill the shop keepers
Take over the shops
Like cuckoos
Replace the real babies in the families
And push those out into the night
We will take them back here into the factory
and they will learn the ways of Showerings
We will train them to make cider
And they will be our slaves
The parents will have to look after you
All the days of their lives
Even into old age
For you will never grow old
And any people who
Think of having babies after that
Will be thought of as mad
And the human race
Will cease to ruin the planet
For all the animals
Like the does and the deer