
Saturday 18 May 2024

Whatever the weather

 I think it must have been 

When the rain fell down

That I again thought about us

When all the rivers of trust ran away

And the trees fell into the flood

I think it must have been don't you think

Some kind of act of a God

Who threw us both together

Before the weather

Turned us both into mud

I've got to stop the shock waves

The foundations of the Earth are shaking

Echoing in this vast holy globe

Through all the holes we are making

It's got to be a question

Don't you think if sadness is worth the living

If kindness just ends up digging you holes

Into which we're both sinking

Where as cruelty and rules

Can make us both fools

To be colder and more alone than ever

When I look to those who recover themselves

Each time they look at the weather

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