
Monday 6 May 2024

Two bells

 I met two bell ringers in a pub

One said to the other now here's the rub

While you push down, I pull up

Ain't none of us gonna know how to ring the cup

And they drank from the brim

They filled their bells up to the rim

They drank like the clappers

And all the happy slappers

Came in

The bell ringers of the church 

Joined the game

They crashed their bell like pints

And spilled their notes from great heights

Heard in heaven's powers

Those folk of the bell towers

Bothered, seven bells were knocked out of them

The fire engines rang

The big bang explosions of the bells sang

And as the birds of tomorrow

Dawn broke their wingspan

They began in the sorrow

But together they swang

Two bells swinging

Two bells singing

Two bells ringing

In time

Two bells together chime

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