
Tuesday 28 May 2024

cider street

 This side, that side,

Every side you'll meet

When you're inside, you're outside

Living on cider street

On cider street they have your back

On cider Street you're scrumpy Jack

On cider street it's stinky feet

Walking through the sheppey leat

Everywhere another rose

Another garland another

Lily grows

You better beware before they

Stone the crows

Then frame you for their murder

And everyone knows 

Which way the wind blows

Blowing down cider street

I've got to take note

Oh I must take care

To count every vote

And number every hair

On the head of the dote

Who put me there

But the cream floats

On cider street

And if you ask me for a dollar

Well I'm sorry friend

I'll have to hollar

All things must go

Cause all things are hollow

Living on cider street

Give me a chest

And I'll show you the world

Keep me abreast

And I'll find you a pearl

But in great distress

I'd give you a twirl

While we're dancing

Down cider street

Give me a heart

Teach me not to sin

I'm playing a part

But I'm no linchpin

Right from the start

I knew what I was in

And its name was cider street

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