Sunday, 26 November 2023
Who will follow?
To the end of the road
Who will follow him into where darkness grows
Yes and who will follow him
To the end of the song?
Will you?
Will you, follow him
Even if you know
He is wrong
Who will follow him
In the belly of the beast
Who will get up early
Stay until the fightings ceased?
Who will follow him
Through temptations door
Who will cast away the doubt
And keep walking on some more?
My shadow walks and I follow too
Into the cage of the lion at the zoo
Those things you do
Like the way you do them
Tell me about the love
Before they come and shoo them
Tell of the stallion
Tell me of the Mare
Tell me of the unicorns
Who fly up in the air
And if you tire of telling me
Well throw up your arms
And care
To show me how you do the things I love
When I see you there
Show me the black forest, and show me
The white knight
Show me the Green Giant
Who hides there out of sight
And if you should tire of showing me
Then whisper it in my ear
For I never tire of listening
To the things you want me to hear
Push me in a wheelbarrow
Wheel me down the street
Take me round with the carols
To the land where moments meet
Deliver me from the narrows
Deliver me from the straits
Don't keep me over a barrel
Of your fickle fates
Twin town 3
I can give you sunrises baby from my bed
And I can give you goat heads
Baby, laying in wastelands of the dead
And we can be friends baby in the Sci Fi store
Full of magazines I have seen but never read
And I can be your target baby when you need to shoot someone
I can be in your crosshairs baby and you can kill me
With your crossbones
And I am walking backwards through the door of our love
Because I know it is time to say goodbye
And shortly on the sorrowful shore
I can see my ship is leaving
With the animals
Two by two we go up the steps into the dark ark
Of consciousness and sail upon the seas
Seas of love
That flood that land
But on board the lions are roaring and the monkeys howl
And the mates are bellowing on their horns
The wild wind is blowing us to a foreign shore
And I know that we must make land
Is twin town just a figment of my imagination
Or a sacred geometry of time
That too many flutes and cut throat guitar strings
Have told me of in dreams
With Hyenas and national parks
Like Noah's ark did we ever make it
Out of the ballpark
Or far from the dark?
Into Twin town
Something to say
Just want something to say
Something say
Something to say
Cut me some slack Jack
I'm on a hard highway
Cut me some slack
Cut me some slack
I'm just looking for something to say
There is so much silence it seems these days
Sometimes they tell you lies
Sometimes its truth ok
But I'm just looking for something to say
All I'm asking is for something to say
Don't leave me in a libary in the silent parade
Don't throw me to the lions for having a big mouth
I can keep secrets, there nothing down south
Spanish Guitar Bossa Nova
Listen up listen
I've gotta tell ya my opinion
About al these playboy
fly-by medallions
Hanging round in their millions
Like flies on a corpse, call the reporters
Call the hearse, write the raptors
Left for dead or worse
By the drive-by shooting
The night jar hoodlums
Who squeak like Nascar wheels
In the old bazaar deals
Well they've been squealing too
Like piggies stealing ciggies from the food mart
Bart, simpson, no mozart, Bartholemew
Higgins of the Boson fame, ships maine sail
Boson head the coxsawain, the sailors remain
Orsmen, boarsmen hunting down the wild war
mongering men, fishing for the guts and
Glory, its the same old story morning hoary
Through the pie hole
In the sky pole under vaunted roofs
Veritable like lead windows
Blown and fool-proof
But they had to catch you at them,
They had to sign the truth
The search warrant wouldn't cut it
It needed a razor tooth
Tiger biting the paper bark canoe
Of our sanities and majesties in tweedle dum, tweedle dee
Tee shirt wearing match stick men
Dumped like bitumen on the roads
And rolled over again and again
But the drive by shoot before thinking youths
That drink battery acid
Think they're battle proof
But we see through them like the glass
Windows that trap them where they are
Mean they will always be driving around the same cars
Until they are behind bars
Or worse
Someone call a hearse
I think I killed a nurse
When I shot at you
Oh I wish it were me
Not you in that grave that day
But its true
We don't get blue
When the sky turns grey
We get even
In the good old fashioned way
How we die of pride
And the preacher said he had been a good man
And his mother said he had nothing to hide
But what no one could understand
was how he could have died of pride
Yes we all have known the badlands
We know they have secrets to hide
And even the city fathers and the lawman
They both died of pride
Well she lived in seedy districts
Where flowers rarely bloomed
And she held a candle to the instincts
That was how her bust just boomed
But even that was as a cola can
She kicked down the city street side
But it wasn't enough to keep her man
That was how she died of pride
Well they went to the village
Where the lions slept
And they held out their baskets of fruit to accept
But it was no use, there were no Pets
And so they died of pride
Hard lives
Hard lives, hard lives,
Hard lives in the private eye
Can't disguise hard lives
Hard lives in the private eye
Out of focus, hocus pocus
Hard lives going round the bend
Hard lives, hard lives
Hard lives of some good friends
Whose lives, your lives?
Our lives living til the end
Hard lives, short dives
Short dives off the dive board end