
Sunday 8 September 2024

The oil rig jam

 They call it the oil rig jam

Yeah you work for years on an oil rig

Tough, hard work for a real man

Gives you pride in yourself

You can say yeah I know who I am

You lookin' at me buddy? 

Call me Uncle Sam

But it ain't no good thing to carry that can

No they call it the oil rig jam

You see you got blood on your hands

Though it ain't red

It's as black as those thoughts that

Run through your head

When you think of the people and

habitats that are dead

All because of your oil rig jam

You see you can't expunge all the guilt

That is yours

Just by turning over a green leaf and start working 


Volunteer for community projects

Helping the poor

Yeah, now do you say I know who I am?

No, uncle Sam

No more

Because now you're in the oil rig jam

Yeah you drilled into the earth

And pillaged her plunder

You raped the sea bed

Of all its life and its wonder

Just to line your own pockets

With gold thread galore

And to buy a four bed home

Near cathedral doors

You might as well face it

You've been working for hell

And the devil is your master

And he rings your bell

Everytime you hear the kerching

Of the cash register ring

It is sad to say it Sam

But you're in the oil rig jam

Thousands of gallons of crude oil spill

across oceans killing the sea life

They're drowning in your devotion

To the black gold you worship

And the master you serve

Oh you've gone and blown it

I hope you get what you deserve

Because you can't pretend now

That you're a big boy scout

When really it's your boys' toys

That have put us up the spout

And you have the gall

To tell me how to live my life!?

Environmentally sound

Like you're some saint without doubt

You're a hypocrite by nature and name


And that's why you're in the Oil rig jam

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