
Monday 9 September 2024

Sam and the oil rig jam

 Maybe you can buy your way into good company

Respectable living of the nouveaux riches

Maybe you'll get elected to the board of directors

Of a charitable organization for rescued fish

Maybe the chamber of commerce will take you

Maybe they have you marked down as a counsellor

Where you can do good works, and pretend you never hurt

The environment with your shirt of many colours

Maybe you'll be seen at all the dances

Of the society balls

And rub shoulders with ladies who give you glances

And ask you to meet them outside propriety walls

Maybe they will drop their fur coats for you

Maybe they will run off down the street

With all the rats and the mink 

who never had chances

Than to be skinned for their fur pelts

While discarding their meat

And then when you've become king of the castle

And green washed yourself so you look

Nice and neat

You can look back and say I worked for the establishment

And joined the pyramid at the bottom

But now I'm complete

Because you never did nothing to change the status quo

Nor provide equality for the poor of other countries

That Britain just stands on to gain its control

And feeds off of like an octopus with many

Sucker feet

Go on then work on your oil rig

Go on uncle Sam


Sides with the dark forces

Just mind the sea horses

That you crush with both hands

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