He was an international man of mystery
Then I think I saw him in Sainbury's
Next I saw him in Denmark
But he was pushing a shopping cart
Then they spotted him in Peking
Alas he was only doing his shopping
So we can conclude he likes food and travel
Not such a mystery then to unravel
Except next they saw him at an assassination
He was holding the culprit with indignation
Then he peered out behind the president
Helping the first lady with her rosette
The election was rigged
But it wasn't by him
His portfolio was loaded, it wasn't so slim
And all of them figure he had pulled the trigger
But he would snigger like Lord Jim
I was in iceland or Asda
I was wave-wasted in the bay of Bisque
Marooned off Camaroon in an Aucean
The pigs had trotted off their schemes
To scheming ponies facing evergreens
And dogged determination
Linden Johnson held his wenel schnitzer
Out for a Pulitzer prize
But oh I do surmise
A fall in plates
That stacked up on his garden gates
And swollen pride
And blushing brides in Eden
And Baden Powell
Told holy goats
To accost a cow on
Dalmatian coasts
And more lured now
Than gory horrow
Of Hollywood Sundays With Mother Coyboys
Being abducted by Alien cows
Who are getting their
Own back on wiser brows
And beaten vows of rice pudding
Who are drowning now in
All do - gooding
And cubbing, and clubbling
And cudding the pastures
That roll
All the statures of stauettes enrole
Pfizer profiterole
Of profits in the first quarter of doom
It would be better if it never ended
For the vaccinators boom
But what bust, what straight jacket of trust
Can be wener scnitzel twisteed
Like a Pretzel, or into one
Messerscmit bomber
Google dropper
Bouncing babies
Into a covid dam
But the jam has freezed and so are we
In the sea, the sea