Blog log -Friday 13th November - I arrived 3 days ago on the 10th into this hotel/house named SXXXXXX HXXXX in Budapest. It seems interesting, and nice staff - the one I have met named Brigi offered to do some shopping for me, while I am in quarantine.
I do not know why I returned to Hungary, perhaps it was a divided sense of loyalties, perhaps I have become more attached than I thought here. Probably I feel more independent here living away from my home environment.
It is a hard one to grasp because it is also more lonely but because of that I feel I must challenge myself more, and I enjoy the challenge.
I teach online and this is going ok from here. There are the odd clients who do not see things from my perspective - anyway I need the money right now so I can't or should not complain if their wife hangs around the screen also.
Besides this I am living in a small attic space and I am not meant to go downstairs to socialize or cook - so I order food in the evening, which is nice but unhealthy - I feel I am getting that way. I have borrowed a stove which makes things easier - to make a cup of tea for example.
The guy living opposite seems a bit strange. He has been friendly but I have been more guarded. Perhaps I went a bit far - he just seems a bit imposing.
This morning I started a new fitness regime - online video workout to strengthen core muscles. I am hoping to keep it up.
Last night I watch Once upon a time in America by Sergio Leonne and starring Robert Deniro with a musical score by Ennio Morricone which has a beautiful theme -called Ampala-my choice about the girl called Deborah who rejects the protagonist David "Noodles" Aaronson.
It was a very long, but inspiring film. So I did not go to bed until 1pm then woke at 4.30am and so I'm quite tired, and have my first lesson soon.