You who let sleeping dogs lie
And choo, choo the poo poo train
You who mew upon the morrow
Who sew up and borrow
All things blue from weddings
Where you weed out the sorrow
And string it up on washing lines
Like the verse of the hearse
Or laugh at funerals
Or entice the Gods of war
To run amuck through the graveyard
Of second chances,
You must blow like the wind through the branches
Of the Elder and the Yew
Yew who, like the owl, wearing a scowl
And a cowl ready to howl at the bowels
Of the Earth when they open up your plot
And find you forgot to love the things you got
Or you gave away what was given you
You owl ghost of the night post
Squawking and calling You who
Twit twa woo, twit twoo, you who?
Me too.
I hold counsel with the friends of dwarves
And shadows under shelves of course
I carve up the lion's share and give away kingdoms
To Unknown warriors, and Unborn youth
To inherit the flesh and tumble
Yet nothing can flash and stumble
Like lightning on wounded knee
Or stills of scenes of tragedy
That play out here home or abroad
I must leave now before I get bored