
Tuesday, 5 April 2022

It was late in the evening

 Oh, now the end is here

It is late and the serenades are playing

The woman I love

Is a far-off hailing

Calling me back to her?

Or to some other man

In the milieu of becoming

I'm not sure who I am

Except apart or with you there 

The guitar is strummed

And I feel the fear disappear

Only the comfort in sound

The music to my ears

And this is love

It is the throb of life

In other forms of art

Which we cannot touch yet are near

Far nearer than her love for me

far nearer than eternity

As time is a mirage on a swaying reed

Above a lake of becoming or suffering

I cannot tell which

And yet the serenade keeps playing

and somehow,

I know the switch

Has been turned

She has changed 

Has gone away

Or is it my fear that speaks in this way?

I only know what the wine says

Late in the evening

Friday, 1 April 2022

Black hole bathtub

I was taking a bath at about a quarter to eight

When the plug was pulled out and the water gate

It opened like a scandal, a vortex to perceive

But what I thought I saw through my cortex was hard to believe

I had diminished down to the size of a needle

And like a compass in a haystack, I was getting lost in middle

Further I was pulled into the blackholes suction

Gravity had me scrambling to stay away from its unction

But slip sliding I went like a Paul Simon song

Down towards the darkness of the unfathomable strong

Pull by increments, it speed became terrible

And I hollered like a fish Eagle balding without dirigible

Screaming in an ice floe no hope of escaping

I only thought of a selfie that my demise was worth taping

But wormhole or no, I knew not my destination

In the event of the horizon, I was without hesitation

I took a quick snapshot with my submersible kodak

And all that was left after my attack was a picture of black

Just me like a silver surfer on the cusp of going under

Down the rabbit hole like Alice to the land of endless thunder

When a booming went the kettle and flipped the flex to my surprise 

I ended up not in heaven but in a bathtub paradise

The whole episode was over in the blink of infinity's eye

And I could see once more my bathroom wall, and outside blue sky


I shan't say I liked it or wished I'd gone over

Because if it really was a black hole then I'd be an interstellar rover

And that job is already taken by a fellow named Musk

But he is just a shadow now as the daylight turns to dusk

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Chances of

 I saw the Romans in their tower

I saw the holy ones who cower

And monsters under beds are sworn

To be in death what they weren't when born

And choosing life and spirit breath

The doors of reason's consciousness

Where tides are torn

On the seas high cliffs

Where land meets storm

As lovers' lips kiss

And broken on the wheel of chance

The plague is sworn

Unreal death-dance

To chew the corn

And spit romance

Under forlorn lover's glance


 Magpie swooping like a loom

Along the yarn of the wind's boom

Up and  down from tree to tree

Oh how happy, oh how free

Mouse in my house

 A mouse moved into my house last week

It gave a squeak as it tried to speak

I tried Latin, then I tried Greek

But I was feeling weak

And I couldn't explain it plain

That this was my house and he hadn't asked permission to stay

But he stayed, I was lame

He moved into the room upstairs

He began making himself comfortable

At the table and chairs

And certainly the cupboard and the sink

I took a blink

And the food was gone

The Jelly and the scone

The Bacon and bun

But I don't begrudge him his fill

He has had a hard life after all

As a mouse

only now he's as big as a house

He fills the room upstairs

The floor boards creak, each time he squeaks

And it is beginning to drive me spare

He can't even fit through the gate

And I have to bring him his meal on large wood plate

Like a King of old

He holds court from his throne or his bed

And the mouse hoards have listened to every word he has said

Thursday, 24 March 2022

War words

 I came unto a dry place

Full of skulls and stone

And in the lines of every face

Were the bones of those I'd known

And it was not as if a trace

Was left which came before

But these are the lines of my disgrace

Inside this bloody war

I held my palms up to the sky

And I did pray for rain

And all upon a lullaby

A butterfly it came

It landed down upon my hand

And unfolded out its wings

And I could see the hand of God

In every beautiful thing

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Sky train


Star train

Riding on a light beam

X-box Vox-pox

Hiding out in 99

diamond necklace

String of pearls

Wrapping round this old world

Try to cover try to place

Each and every lover

In the human race

We never fail to see God's face

Yet it is only a reflected grace

Starlight express, answer me yes

I'm ready to climb aboard

Father Christmas being pulled

By sixty reindeer in a train or 

Some kind of hoard

I thought it was the Russians with

A nuclear surprise

Then I believed it was the USA

Sending rockets into the sunrise

Blowing up the whole darned sun

The solar system and all within

But now I see They are going over Ukraine

I only wish they don't travel in vain

Travel by skytrain

Travel by sky train