
Saturday, 17 December 2016

The Christmas Turkey

The Christmas Turkey’s wrapped
All manner of beans and flying machines
In the tumble weed dawn
When the white horse rides
And the red nose glows
And all the selfless little elves
Take a good look at their selves

When sacrament of love is given
And the holy foundation of earth is riven
From the ground in its pillars of might
By the snows,
        By the wind that blows
By the sickle cutting corn in rows
        From the hands of Avenging Angels

When dawn breaks chorus
As the Greeks
Their furious selves hide from the weak
And salty earth is in the mouth
Because food grows plenty down south
And certain tribes are tucked away
Unbeknownst to the new light of day
Unless a word or two to say
Inside the ring of the horizon

Oh Powers mighty flighty staff
Come turn the road in range,  less  ways
To mock an Eden burning, yearning
For a false dawn’s door handle’s turning
Open up a witch craft’s furnishing
All bodies in blood and yellow

In blood and yellow
      They write themselves
Into the walls or hells
And out of holes or into wells
While the church bell’s chiming

And Tachygraphs of photographs
   That keep the heart in fits of laughs
Or sit like bulls upon their loves
And doze inside fresh meadows

And sallow tainted, scented dreams
Of things unbidden, ghosts unseen
The blood and yellow most obscene
Is washed from the windows of the soul

When tears come tumbling down
Like an ocean kingdom, when falls the crest like crown
To drown in air, the watermen stare
Up at the clouds of skies

Beyond the ring of the horizon

I don't think of you that much anymore

I don’t think of you that much anymore
I am in the merry-go-round world of rich and poor
Some folks find happiness, like an open door
But me, it’s like when I hear “such and such”
No I don’t think of you much anymore

I see the painted skies turn black
Then turn back into day
I see the crowded subway trains,
Change passengers then drift away

I see the birds flock in the sky
I wish I were a bird so I could fly
But why, oh why? I don’t need to cry
As I don’t think of you much anymore

I don’t think that much about you anymore
I don’t think that love will come knocking on my door
Now when I see you it’s to say
Hello, good bye, then I walk away
There’s someone somewhere waiting for me I’m sure
I don’t think of you much anymore

I know scientists have discovered new cures for diseases
But love sickness and the blues
Just leave me with blackened bruises

And if you say it’ll work today
I’ll jump out of bed and cry hooray!
Because it’s not broken bones they need to cure
But love’s cool words that cut and tore
But I don’t think of you that much anymore

The fire flies of night are bold
They fly their tales like in stories told
Of knights in colours defeating the black
Well I can still believe you might be coming back
But I don’t need to go and do that chore

As I don’t think that much about you anymore 

It's more than I can do

It’s more than I can do
Not to fall in love with you
It’s all my hopes comes true
All my horizons turned clear blue
It’s more than I can do

In the course of a true love’s affection
I have pursed my lips and followed your direction
But to keep on after you
Well it’s more than I can do

Beyond the night time’s steep tower
Where the moon rules its awesome power
I have freed the caged bird, off it flew
To keep him locked up, well
It’s more than I can do

The diamonds in the rock face sparkle
All the tin faced soldiers darkle
To see them march beneath starry banner
And know I once marched there too
Well it’s more than I can do

I must meet the world’s demands
Must do and follow its commands
But if I can or will it’s true
It’s more than I can do

The steeple chase, the wild goose
I caught him once but turned him loose
To keep a thing so long, belonging
Beyond some right curfew
It’s more than I can do

I saw you once in the hall of mirrors
Dancing like a phantom nearer
Until you caught my eye, your beauty beholden
With your fish hooks gleaming golden
But I had to let you fall right through
It was more than I could do

The colours of the rainbow glimmer
As on the sea, the Sun’s golds shimmer
A fishing boat trawls the lost ocean
To catch a fish like you
Yet it’s more than I can do

I hold my hands, my heart stops beating
The furnaces turn iron cast sheeting
That slips between the hammers
And the fire’s heating
The old below us the other we create a new

But it’s more than I can do 

Monday, 7 November 2016

The Whimsical Wood

In the whimsical wood
Is where the dove cot stood
Away from light and power and Magic
It grew too cold and soon was tragic
Then the whimsical woodsman came along
In his way with an axe
He sang his song
And levelled the trees which had stood there long
And let the light shine in

And the dovecot stood
In the whimsical wood
Just waiting for a dove
To fly down from above
And give it a sign it was true and good

Finally one day when the woodsman was asleep
Down flew a pair of doves
The dovecot to keep
And they made their nests
With a ‘coo’ and ‘cheap’, ‘cheap’
Gently rolling their soft vowel sounds
To the woodsman asleep

Inside his dream he was wide awake
Aboard a great Ark, like Noah did make
And along from the skies came a wandering dove
Who dropped an olive twig in his palm,
And spoke of love

All around him was a flood
Like around the dovecot stood the wood
And he knew not just about what business he should
Unless it was to speak of love
And as he did the waters receded
Just as the trees that once he had seeded
And his Ark it reached the land

Well then he awoke from his own dream
To find who had spoke, was a dove on a beam
Coo-cooing here and there
They flew in a pair
But startled when he moved
And flew into air

Come back, come back he pleaded and pleaded
But his cries they went unheeded
So he sat back down in a torpor
And stewed like a tea bag left too long in the water

Finally he grew black and bitter
What need have I of trees?
Without love nor Birds nor bees
I may live in my wood of high walls
And if another high tree falls
It will not be by my hand at all

I will live here in the dovecot
Penthouse Quarter
So he laid down his axe
And began to relax
Inside the walls of his new dovecot home

That evening on the breeze
He thought he smelt the smell of the seas
He saw the rustle of the leaves
Then in the dovecot’s eves
Spied his first love
The dovecot owner’s daughter

‘Hey there come down’
He coaxed her
She gave a coo, fluttered and flew
And he saw it was a dove
Returned not the daughter

Though sad, yet relieved
To find hope in the eves
He fed the little bird some grain
And it was bad he believed
To build high walls of pride made of leaves
Just to hide and cover up his pain

So he resolved the next morning
Without further warning
To break the spell of longing
On the whimsical wood

He took his axe and his belongings
And set out through the thronging
To carve out a new pathway made for good

The going it was hard
Often times dangerous
At night he stood guard
For wolves or bears, quite treacherous

Underfoot sometimes rock or stone
From the sky sometimes thunder
Rain or blistering Sun

Down valley and up hill
He used his woodland skill
To make a path to freedom
From the whimsical wood kingdom
Past the hives of honeyed bee-dom
To the land of shrilling shrill
Once his path was made
He then became afraid
That, others might tread down his road
But determined not to be a toad
He would carry the load
And deal with the consequences
Be they light or shade

One day while he was chopping
Near a time he thought of stopping
A lovely maiden upon him strode
She looked like sunshine popping
Through the leaves as they are dropping
And his heart it gave a coo like in a dove’s abode

She smiled and sat down near him
He stopped when she began to sing
A song of love I have been told
And from that day his heartache mended
No more high walls of Pride to be offended
What’s more the doves came back

To their woodland hold

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Beggars Belief

What do Beggars Believe?
When they sleep
The only possessions they keep
Are the content of their dreams
Do they believe in the foundations
Of a society of nations
In the consciousness stream
Tell me what do Beggars dream?
Do they dream of a land
Where they’re called a Human
Not judged by their ability to work or have use
Where they’ve not gone beserk nor are shown such abuse

Tell me does a Beggar believe
That the answer lies in bottle
And when they’re on a drunk
Are all their hopes sunk
Or are they free in their dreams
Like a stick in a stream
To float away from their junk

Tell me how must a beggar become real?
Is he a mystery, lost like the stars
In the sea
Is his the life of a Tramp
An envelope with no address
A letter but no Stamp
And does he still have some hope?
Or to some dark sin must he confess
And is his Sin any worse than our own
Is it more or is it less?
What deserves he of his present situation
Are past and future, just out of his creation?
How will the Music score end
Will he find a friend

Or sound his Bum note

Monday, 22 August 2016


Watching the Doe
Tip Toe
Like a delicate flower
Beset with God's power
To range and graze
The field in days
The scrub, the margins of the wood
Skirting, and just nibbling at the 
extraterrestrial soul food that lifts her
Beyond the animal, she still is
Yet divinity clings to her
Does not let her go
Does not let her go

Like some lassoo of will
From a cowboy riding a cloud 
She pulls along the sky
Draws the last rays of perfect, egg yoke sunlight
Breaking at sunset
Breaking the silence 
The absolute stillness, yet nothing
So dead quiet as a house
There is always the wind, in the leaves
The insects buzzing 
Or ducks splashing
And the doe treading like on dreams
So gently breaking them

The yet unshattered silence
Is her dream, 
While she is divine creator
Her world we glimpse
But in our observation the glass breaks
The floor creaks as she treads
And our eyes perceive her as an animal
She sees this reflection,
And reflection unveils the Goddess mask
And the world lies broken
But for the memory of her spell

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


He travelled the seas
He travelled the land
To the hum of the bees
And the hum of his hands

And his Queen was protected
By many a Bee knight
Though she was highly respected
She never took flight

And the Queen was a prisoner
The Bee knight her jailor
They hummed loud in their honour
But she grew the paler

The Bee hive needed a Queen to believe in
A perfect model of divinity in Bee form
In this Virgin Mother
Such a deity they perceive in
So her role of Captive Ruler
She was made to perform

All power has its consequence
All power has corruption
But the bee Queen rules her bee subjects
Without Scandal or interruption
You think the Queen owns her Kingdom
That she rules from the hive
Her vast reign
But ask her of her Bee freedom
She’ll cry To Be or not To Be

To you again and again