
Sunday 2 June 2024

Keep wandering

 I found you in the bar room 

And lost you in the pond

While I was eating Hemlock

Like some philosopher

But stones get thrown at glass houses

And I'm just one of those

You showed me how the world could be

Seen through another's eyes

It's just your kind of cutting room talk

Don't give the truth a big enough part

I just wish you well

From the bottom of my inkwell

Give me a pen to write my name

Perhaps I can remember it pretty soon

It's just this cell division

I'm having trouble with

Meiosis or Mitosis between your soul and mine

You see like a weed I clinged to your roots

Now I'm drawing the line

I've got to hope for a better view

One with new life assured

It's been a whole bonfire of the vanities

For me to see the clear light of day

Because truth has a terrible face

And sometimes to face it we must pay

A heavy price for freedom

But what hope is there is in mud?

I am just a tumbleweed who blew right into town

And I will blow on out again before the sundown

It's easy to speak in foreign tongues 

When you were born to wander far

And I must keep on travelling

Following my guiding star

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