It is a bit of a come down
But I'd come to expect this of life
In its lifeless distress,
The clock ticks on but I'm not bored
I've just become like the stone on the sword
Waiting like a weight
Heavy as a date gone wrong
But this is meant to be my song
I was a someone, once
But that was all pretence
And I should not be afraid
To throw off my disguise
My make up had started to flake
And there was a small dark look in my eyes
And a sense of the fake
The imposter crept into my skin
I had to drop all the lies
So that was when then
I lost everything like Trump
I must admit defeat
Perhaps it does take more courage say
I didn't win
And return tail between my legs back home
To England
Because I never wanted this ego
This ID that was created by circumstance
Inflated opinion of one
Who is a native English man in a foreign clime
But really I'm
nothing special, just one who had a chance
And took it.
But back in England I am nothing
To speak about
I will need about a year of hard graft
To turn things around
And get back on my feet financially
And now there is a slim window of opportunity
I may be able to grasp
If only I can let go of Hungary and my ID