We are the strawberry line volunteers
We are the strawberry line volunteers
We push and pull the plough
We don't know quite where but we know how
We are the strawberry line volunteers
Oh we are chugging our way to Clevedon
All the way across the waves of the Mendips
All the way we shall lead them up and down
Like the sand dunes we shall weave them
Like side winders through the deserts we shall wind
And dig and hack and bind, and together navigate
and follow the old grate
Until we reach the tunnels we shall find
we are the Strawberry line volunteers
We haul on the the rope and yet ready for the smokes
Going and having hope enough for years
We are the Strawberry line volunteers
we're following the track that disappears
We'll uncover the truth and reveal what we find
There'll be the proof of what we've left behind
We are the Strawberry line volunteers
We come together with our eyes and ears
We'll put our heads together, we'll bend upon our knees
and any kinds of weather we'll sing our railway shanties
we are the Strawberry line volunteers
Sweet as cherry wine that runs clear
Or as the fruit divine that hangs on Mendip's climbs
We shall be as rosy through our years
We are the Strawberry line volunteers
Everything in our path we will clear
Noting down the squirrels the badgers and the rats
And even if we have quarrels we are better after that
We are the Strawberry line volunteers
Don't put us down or lose good cheer
We have nothing to fear, but a lack of Strawberry beer
We are the Strawberry line volunteers
Take away your dark days of winter
We will push them out like a splinter
And become stronger even keener
To finish our great task
And drop down time's mask
from the railways line that runs clear
We are the Strawberry line volunteers
Don't put us in a box or even box our ears
You cannot out fox us when it comes to
pathway clearances
So you know just who to call and when
You have a road which winds this way and then
You may have lost your compass
In a haystack it was done
But be sure you'll thump us
and miss us when we're gone
So let us finish off our song
We hope you've enjoyed singing along
And if you care to join us
Then don't be afraid to coin us
For we are the Strawberry line volunteers