Do you remember the tropicarium?
No nor do I!
Except that tarantula they put on my hand
Oh what jerks they were
I am a nice guy
I never complain
If a venomous beast is put in close range of a child
To give them a thrill
In life it is either kill
Or be killed
No I don't remember the tropicana
Perhaps the coach journey there
When all the kids
were singing
found a peanut
to the tune of "In the quarter master's store"
That's what I rememer
and the round kerbs of the new
School building where we could play
The extent of it
Its potential seemed vast
It's just who's gonna listen to this bullshit
I remember my grand dad who I never met
Who said according to my dad
Who was also known to invent
That he didn't write because there were better
writers out there
God I even bore myself with this claptrap
Horse shit
Bring on the dancing Russian bears
I mean why can't they tell you when you are a kid
That when you're 40 you
Will write down this kind of shit
As if it were the best time of your life
Well it probably was
You were a child with absolutely no rules or responsibilities
Except there is the lie
You had them, even if not by law
They were forced down your throat by your parent
Who tried to instil
The moral virtues in you
until the drink became a problem and a player
What does Gareth think?
That's what I'd like to know
I really miss him
He probably doesn't miss me tho