Of course the famous last words
Of the one who loved you
The one who you loved beyond anyone
Father, why have you forsaken me
As he hung on the cruxfix
Strung up there like a scarecrow
Even the crows didn't dare
But eventually Mary came
They lifted him down
Laid him in a cave
And rolled the round rock across
His grave
Calling heavy as a rock is he
He who will never be free
Imprisoned king
But here's the thing
Their famous last words
As he walked again
It's just nobody tells you
That can happen
They all say he can't or
You'll never walk again
Just watching the crows
Watching the crows
He was knocked off in the Senate
With all his rivals next to him
He was brought low by the mob
The last thing he said before they found
He was dead
I wish I could've finished the job
Famous last words
Of the bold and the true
But who knew then
They'd come back to bite them through
She was wrestling with a swordfish
In the bowels of the ocean
She had sharks surrounding her
In quite a commotion
She'd opened a can of worms
When she admitted she was a dolphin
She said well you don't see that everyday do you?
Tie up your sewerside
And Jesus never tried
Oh of course he thought
Of drinking the cyanide
Or taking the hemlock
But he had a block
He was the Godfather
Of little Tim Cock
Who looked up to him
Like he was Papa doc
Especially hanging there on the cross