Saturday, 14 November 2020

Bloglog 2

 14th November

Today I woke up feeling more refreshed and listened to radio 4. There was a nature documentary on Roseate Tern on Coquet island - someone who was the warden there speaking about being humbled by the force and power of the sea. It made me look up the island and the RSPB and then I saw an advert for a job on Shapwick Heath near where I come from and have lived most of my life. So I applied this morning. It was as a car park attendant, but you know actually I think that it would really suit me, I love being outside, I like meeting people and I think that nature reserve is fantastic. It did used to worry me being a local there and seeing how many cars parked up there and along the road side, but since the car park that has significantly solved the problem. There will likely be increased traffic flow along that road over Christmas, if there is not another lock down, but I also expect that people will still want to get out.

I think overall it has to be good that people visit these reserves, because we need to protect the environment, but also stop peat digging due to the carbon loss. Ironically if there had been no excavation there would be no wetland reserve probably. Also ironically there must be quite a lot of carbon emitted by all the people driving there cars to go and visit the reserves. Perhaps it would be more fuel efficient to organize a bus or coach there, but that is probably too much investment and planning. There also used to be a train track running down there, so could there not be again a network of more fuel efficient or electric trains that run on solar power or the like that ferries people along the track and saves all the cars?

Anyway, perhaps all this is pie in the sky, or pipe dream thinking since I am currently in an attic room in Budapest.

Little Hawk

 Little hawk, little hawk, little hawk

Flying between the trees

Hovering while I walk

But which one of us is more free

Am I your shadow

Or are you mine?

Little hawk, little hawk, little hawk

Through the rain and shine

Cows in stampede

Farmers call their yell

Cattle clang and ring bells

Down the slope of green

They come pell-mell

But you little hawk, just swoop up

Into the trees and watch

So content with your skill and your speed

You can stay balanced on the edge of the cup

While it spills the whole river out

And your eyes will scan for a trace of what's strange, 

You are a hunter little hawk, out on the range

The slightest movement in a field of grass

Waiting for the shrew or the dormouse to pass

And then down like a dagger, like a streak of pain

Down with your claws to strike your game

And that is the life of the hunting hawk

All ways at work, not a wing beat in vain

Making your way across the field where I walk

Little hawk, little hawk, little hawk in the rain

Roof tops

 You know that I can't shoot you down

I can't pull you down today

Yet all my life you have been hanging around

Like cloud on a rainy day

So what is it that you want from me?

To confront me?

Or make me pay?

Because I was not who you wanted me to be

Well I can't be that person anyway

So can't you leave your sky to me

You know it is my sky too

Why do you want to try to frighten me

Into trying to be somebody new

Now I look out from the roof tops

Across a city scape

And All I see are the places people stop

When from their lives they try to escape

You can reach your roots

In the garden

But only upward can you be closer to God

So hold on tight 

To the concrete thoughts that harden

And go out, follow where the angels trod

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Bloglog13th Nov

 Blog log -Friday 13th November - I arrived 3 days ago on the 10th into this hotel/house named SXXXXXX HXXXX in Budapest. It seems interesting, and nice staff - the one I have met named Brigi offered to do some shopping for me, while I am in quarantine.

I do not know why I returned to Hungary, perhaps it was a divided sense of loyalties, perhaps I have become more attached than I thought here. Probably I feel more independent here living away from my home environment.

It is a hard one to grasp because it is also more lonely but because of that I feel I must challenge myself more, and I enjoy the challenge.

I teach online and this is going ok from here. There are the odd clients who do not see things from my perspective  - anyway I need the money right now so I can't or should not complain if their wife hangs around the screen also.

Besides this I am living in a small attic space and I am not meant to go downstairs to socialize or cook - so I order food in the evening, which is nice but unhealthy - I feel I am getting that way. I have borrowed a stove which makes things easier - to make a cup of tea for example.

The guy living opposite seems a bit strange. He has been friendly but I have been more guarded. Perhaps I went a bit far - he just seems a bit imposing.

This morning I started a new fitness regime - online video workout to strengthen core muscles. I am hoping to keep it up.

Last night I watch Once upon a time in America by Sergio Leonne and starring Robert Deniro with a musical score by Ennio Morricone which has a beautiful theme -called Ampala-my choice about the girl called Deborah who rejects the protagonist David "Noodles" Aaronson.

It was a very long, but inspiring film. So I did not go to bed until 1pm then woke at 4.30am and so I'm quite tired, and have my first lesson soon.

God Bless America

 Young blood

That built a nation

Disaster and infection

Leads to reincarnation

And swallows swoon in the pale afternoon

After the dust has settled on the moon

And God bless America

The swollen prides of immigrants

Who rose up from the gutter

The tongue-tied eyes of star crossed lovers

Who dance their way to stardom

Far away from freedom

But God knows they tried

And God bless America

The half lights dim, inside the gym

Where boxer sits and cries

The titles won, the lovers lost

Still stardust swims in his eyes

He used to walk along the coast

And kick the pebbles there

But now he hosts and gives toast

To others younger fare

And God bless America

And all the ghosts that haunt his house

Might fill him with despair

If not for those, whose sunlight rose

And cast away dark care

God bless America

And her only son

Who could not forget the burning flame

The torch of marathon

And carried it for his first love

Even though she had moved on

So God bless America

Until their race is run

Jade Rust

 In Quarantine, in Budapest

In an attic, like an insect

Spider, beetle, buzzard, bird

Crawling Heath cliff all overheard

I'm in an attic, no panic

The pandemic, is claustrophobic

It doesn't like being indoors

It is downstairs, outside

Roaming the moors

Like a giant invisible monster

No one can see it, before

It is on yer

I arrived two days ago

In the zombie fields

Of project x

In the mouthguard mountains

Of the south

The police woman made me fill out the form

I said I'll stay inside to keep warm

She said 10 days, I said 2 months

She laughed in my face, said now fill it out


so I did, with the lid of the dustbin

Lifting like a mouth

Swallowing trash and flies

And outside everyone dies

That's what they tell you anyways

But in here we are safe

Alone but together

As the human race

To face

The greatest of our fears - death?

Yes, but no

What I mean is being alone

We don't like it 

Can't stand it

Need some others around

Just the sound

Just the scents

Of them hanging above ground

We are Humans

And animals

Not an isolated species

We need this connection

Coracle Chronicle

Like Coral Conic

Like a cone a funnel of all comic verse

Swallow it down, medicine for the hearse

That reverses through the universe

Until it finds a parking space

Says this will do, we'll drop you here

Two dollars twenty

What I say coughin

No coffin, he says look boffin

Use your head work it out

I thought you guys were meant to be smart

Well duh! Yes I said

But be reasonable

You've left me in a remote corner of the galaxy 

Where I don't know where I am

And you expect me to cough up some change

Like it was a leg of lamb

Now don't get bent out of shape man

You just been in that attic too long

Try seeing the long view

The big picture

You've got a front row seat to the end of the universe


 Take my hand

The rough sands have deserted us

Take my hand

The lover's candles

Burning us

The dirty tricks which lick

The skull

Have been moving down the barrel

Of the gun

That shatter all innocence

In the breaking of the dawn

And colour the shark's teeth white

And paint the rose blood red

And all the swallowed Edens

That the man walks through

In his life

When he is back on the street and alone

Where the deep black loam of time

Seeps into his soul

And she says to him

Take your time

And the Angel flies away

She leaves on a train

And it begins to rain

When in their way

They say goodbye