They took away your life
When they built the bicycle
You no longer rode a horse
They took away the animal, and they gave you a car
And said now you must work like a horse
To afford your car
Because your car will save you time
And give you a life
They took away your job lifting boxes in the factory
And put a robot there in your place
Then they told you get educated, work from home
You’ll have more life, more leisure time
When you work on a computer
Controlling the robots that now do your job
Telling the computer what to do
You’ll be better paid
So you can afford a better life
You go to a gym called ‘Life’
You buy life-time membership
You buy a lifestyle
You buy your life back
So that you can exercise it on machines
That look like horses
Which is what you would have had for free if
In the first place they hadn’t taken away
Your horse