
Saturday 22 February 2020

Poetry to Take Away

He took to his heels
He took it to heart
The way that he feels
The way that it starts
Just take to the airways
Take to the stars
Take over the byways
Take over the cars

Take off your garments
Rip off your clothes
Take off somebody
In somebody's pose
Take to drinking
Take it apart
For the sake of thinking
For the sake of Art
Take all he's giving
Take what is yours,
Go make a living
Go take the doors
The wheel is broken
So is the horse
Take the horse to water
Take the bull by the horns
Take me away in a hand cart
And take my pay but don't take my part

Take it from me, you're better off out
Take it from her, she knows all about
Take it with milk, with sugar, with stout
Take it before a meal, take it quick without doubt
Take it easy, or you can take it hard
Take it cheesy, take it from me, here take my card

Take it as it comes, take your tum tums
Take him to task
Take off the mask
Take the iron from rock
Take the wine from the cask
Take to the wing
Or take to the fields
Take everything
Don't take what's fake
Take what's real
Take it with a pinch of salt
Take the wheel
Its a cinch, its an assault
On the senses of what one feels
Take it on the chin
Take to your pins
Take me away from all these visions of sin
Take a snap, take shape
Its a rap, its a take
Take the tape and play it on
Take that, take two
Take five,
And then you're gone

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