
Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Are the roots and the rabbits
Here are the gulls, the creatures of habit
Racing the wood pigeon
Here is the grave Buzzard
Searching the grassy bed, for the bodies
Of the dead
Grave of heart, grave of bone
If he has a heart it is made of stone
Tomb stone eyes, that bury its look
Deep into the earth
Like the sea with a hook
And here is the cormorant diving down
Fisher of the undying lands
The greedy fish filled hands
Of the Sea
Catching the crab, beneath the rock
Cancer crawls and sidles, escaping
Grappling hooks, holds tight on
Pincers lock
Tiny molluscs, Whimberel,
Hermit crabs moving shell
Prawn and shrimp
Sea lice too, grown big
Like pigs in the rock pool zoo
Animal empire
The Sea is emperor
Flat holm Island’s umbrella
Shelters small fry

From the wild sea’s lair

Monday, 30 March 2015


Everyone is sorry
No one knows why
Like a ten ton lorry
Has fallen out of the sky

What is it that we can say
When words fail us
I am sorry I do not have the words
It is just the loss
Of so much we have worked for
Such an empire of dust
That falls from between our fingers
Dirt on the floor
In the House of Love

Carpets are swept up
Like a sea
Under the waves
Swim the Hippocampus ponies

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

King Fisher

Sunday, 22 March 2015

poetry readings

Melbourne Botanic Gardens

In the Botantic gardens, the pleasure of wandering through
Dreaming lakes with a jumping gleam
Plants as wet as glue
Birds are talking pretty
The pavillion is dry
It is wonderful just to be alive
Even to breathe it is true

Duck migrate up gum trees
A female gardener Terry is busying green fingers
She is heedless to the falling rains
And in my mind hr attitude lingers

There must be many things Royalty has done wrong
But these gardens they have done right

A tree or shrub from every region of the world

Like a song of many colours
Or a tapestry of dreams

Like a fern of eternal furl
Or a precious pearl

These gardes make Melbourne City pretty
And can make a smile curl

Thursday, 19 March 2015

The Wigwam Poem

In the Wigwam, ma'me
I met the Wigwam man
Too much to figure
The little horse got bigger
In the Wigwam, ma'me
The pig ham ram
They were big damn lambs
In the Tim-tam clan
I bite a shoe shine can
To clean my tooth line plan
Beneath a canvass caravan
With the Wigwam man

Sticks and stones may make my home
But words will never hurt me
Said the Wigwam
To the Igloo
Said the Huron to the Eskimo
Says the ice brick to the tree
You keep warm, but warm isn't free
When you're in wigwam town
Better get reborn
At the battle of Little Big Horn