
Friday 11 March 2022

Sacrifice or Your money or your Life

 The question it seems to me is:

What are we prepared to fight for?

If not for the freedom of a democratic people

Then what does our own democracy stand for

Does it only apply within the borders of the 

So called free Britain

Do we not stand for these same values abroad?

And if we don't - which seems to be

The political message we are sending then no wonder non-democratic

countries will expand naturally to fill the vacuum

We have only taken out sanctions against them,

We only think we can bargain for our own morality in money

We can buy off our own democracy if we are rich enough

But this is not a foundation of society, where the rich 

can live for themselves and the poor be allowed to suffer

This is not a value I subscribe to

Where is God in all of this?

Where are our Christian values?

We live in such a selfish culture that no one

wants to look at the greed and egotism in the centre of their own lives

No one wants to sacrifice anything

And this way without values is a slippery slope

It is a Russian landslide and we are standing at the bottom

Saying we built our house upon mud and straw

Perhaps deep down there still are the foundations

Of rock

But we need to rediscover thse pillars of strength before we can stand

up for anything

because at the moment the Western liberal democracies

Are having an identity crisis

That all their wealth has brought

At some stage we need to ask our selves the question

Is it our money or our lives that we value more

And what are the values we still believe in

That money can't buy

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