
Sunday 4 August 2024

Leaving Halvis Grove /Hovis loaves

 Leaving Halvis Grove

Crossed the river Mersey

On the M56 road

Waved goodbye to Altrincham

So long Ryebank road

Onwards I go to Wilmslow

Following where the river flows

Down past Hoo Green

 Lifted my leg in Peover

At Knutsford I burst a tyre

Repaired it at Congleton

Where I danced the conga with a charleton

And at Newchapel sang in a choir 

Said all I had to say in Talke Talke pits

Ended up on the Keele road

Near the world of Wedgwood

It was a long way from there

But I finally made it home

Getting stuck in traffic queues beside the Avon

Leaving Halvis Grove

The house of warmth and love

Where a woman knows

And a man ungrows

In the garden

All they've been thinking of

Leaving Halvis Grove

It's another home from home

Where I can find my daily bread

Like in Hovis Loaves

Like in oaken groves

Down cattle droves

Where rows and rows

Of the apple tree grows

And bulls and bullocks frolicked in meadows

Long, long ago

Across the river Mersey

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