
Wednesday 3 March 2021

There's no home like space

 There's no home like space

At least you make it your own

As a Mars Rover you roam

From Place to place


There's no mark that's ungiven

By grace's decision

The fate's incision into conflict or crime

A plastic tree, a plastic hedge

What is real is inside your head

What makes a house a homestead?


Is it the plants, the sink or the sofa

Is it the door handles shining in sunlight

Is it the plans that you make or hope for

Invested, imbued with spirit

Human habitation

The scent and the sound

The movements the aches

The partaking in common ground

Perhaps all of these, and some vision

Of the future, what can you make of the

Home shaped mould, how can you create

A life you can hold

And treasure, how can you meet the measure

make the warmth to keep out the cold


So there's no home like space

And space is no place at all

But if you can create space

From the vacuum of thought

Out of nothing give yourself 

To make the life spark

You can be the creator of your future

Designer of your own destiny

Like an ace tennis player make space

To make the right move

Shuffle of the foot

Angle of the racket

Keep the ball at arms length

Like your problems

That come at you from out the vacuum


That is what space is all about

That is what the asteroids are dashing at

Like an interstellar tennis match

You must bash them back

To what ever corner of the space time continuum

They flew at you from

Like a ping pong of problems

But that is why Space can be a home not

Only a vacuum

So tidy your room

Make space, not war

Dirt is alright

What in the world are we all fighting for?

Space, space the final frontier

Whether it's in your back garden

Or free from the veneer

Of inward turmoil

To outward decrepitude

You have to clear your mind

Give yourself some latitude

And in the process of atmospheric freeing up and flying

You might find your altimeter begins to stop lying

And tells you some home truths

For those not only are hardest to hear but

Can also offer the most comfort at times

Like when you know somebody or some buddy's

Got your back, free from the fear of attack

That is space and home, so get back there Jack

If you are smart, you will know

That home starts with your heart

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