I found the Kenyan quite strange actually
I had to lock myself up in the car and listen to muic
Do you mean Canyon?
I found the Kenyan quite strange actually
I had to lock myself up in the car and listen to muic
Do you mean Canyon?
I'm guessing you have a kit car
Am I right
No it is a shit car
Out of balance
The scars of Romance
And the Monster of invention
Are you a baptist
are a methodist
Are you a papist
Or are you a Catholic
Puritan, juritan, jurist or purist
Curist or diarist, communist or protestant
Oh tell me of your original sin
Tell the work ethic
I can pigeon hole you in
Queen, remember my name
God save the Grand Dame
All in one
No hole in the crown
Ball and gown
Plot in the ground
Frame a portrait
Write down her name
Same and Sorted
Keep a light the flame
Queen, I want you to live forever
I don't want you to die
Come and believe my Caribbean dream
My African savannah
See your face in the mirror
What has changed from before?
The features little
The eyes the same, a little sore
There is a sight Her Majesty
Oh the bonnie wee lad
And the trains looking sad
All sitting await at the station
The mers and the sars and the
Rows of parked cars
All arrived that their destination
The tern and the tars
The kerb and the stars
Shining in the rain
They are in the middle of a traffic jam of silence
Bowled over in a sound of consciousness
The parachute tester just dropped in to say hi
Can you fall from the sky
Without one?
Can you?
Superman, ho, ho!
Electricity eclectic
In the dark of the rainbow
Electric rainbow of the soul
The Manta rays and electric eels glow
Why can’t we
Light a candle for my soul
And yours
The Centaurs are charging
Their gas bills
Eating grass sandwiches
And drinking beer
On the forgotten plateau
In the tearful meadow
Of tea
Come make me a shooting range
So I may target my fears
And tear out the pages of the paper back
Of apologies
No apologies, please
This darkness
Is good for my soul
I can hear
But the stars
And the wheat ears
Chocolate ship, chocolate chip
Kurtos Kalacs
In a jam in the icing
Of the antarctic roll
The chimmey stacks
fire cake, ice cake
We burnt our fingers on the ice
Holding together frozen
ice table, ice plate
Sit down to a frozen meal
Well it was ready when I cooked it says mother
You arrived late
Where are all the women in the antarctic
Sabortooth tigers, where they there?
What did the antarctic look like when you were born?
Disturb the Penguins
But it was much a do about nothing
only another Penguin with an instagram account
Trying to advertize their fishing business
Being a king and staying a king penguin
Being a king and becoming a queen penguin
I'm not saying it was good
I'm not saying it was bad
but it had that tone you know
That authority of dad
Should you beckon for forgiveness
Or crack as a mountain
Peak under the weight of foreknowledge
Like Cassandra who couldn't speak
Should you fall in love with an icicle
Or a bicycle or a polar bear
Should you mean to quench the thirst that comes
When you do not care
Forgone conclusions aside
I decided I was spare
Like a room ready to rent
Like a condom as yet unspent
Or like a tiger in the night
Whose switch had been turned off
I was light as a kite in the air
Should you harm the great rhinocerus
Who was only trying to warn us
Or buzz like a lightning rod
Ready to speak to God
Should he say come hither wither
Will you go Up high or down low
You still feel the vertigo
The meld of cataclysmic events
Broke the mould
Shocking how one event
Can turn a whole life just so
In beads of sweat I write this
The dog is running out
The end of the world is coming
But I cannot scream or shout
Something in me died
The moment
They pulled the plug
Like water down the drain,
I hear the refrain
No don't look up
I stood with racked brain, and threw the torch
Of flame
Shook the tree of good
But could not discover
My name
I pounded on the door of heaven
Or was it a seven eleven
Either way I needed what was within
The party was almost over
The lighter fluid switched
Over to petroleum
By the gas attendant witch
Was she a witch? I ask myself
No of course she was a stylist
Just someone who pretended to be
Someone I'd mindless
But I wound the windy windlass of the lock
And low and behold
A thunderbolt shock
Hit me between the ears
In the air of nebulous tears
That always diminish like a fraction
(of years)