She was up there drinking asp's milk
Or bathing in the stuff
Do you know how long it takes to milk an asp?
To fill an entire bath!
The place must have been crawling in snakes
They must have had an infestation
Or else bred them
I suppose there was an Asp zoo
Oh look Mummy, another asp farm
They must have been like cows in England
Another bloody dairy herd.
Well it must have been nice to see all those asps
Milling about the Egyptian countryside
And I bet the local population really thanked Cleopatra
For propagating them
Only they are notoriously difficult to keep behind fences
And I should imagine
The number of Asp bites to the bottom or leg increased
ten fold under her reign
You could say she was a pain in the ass
Or a pain in the Asp
I wonder if Aspens have any connection to asps?