The graves are getting dug
Please put a penny in the old man's cup
If you haven't got a penny a ha'penny will do
If you haven't got a ha'penny
well God bless you
The cemetery flashed in the lightning storm
The bells rung out
Some were stirring
Who were not dead
Almost dead
For they'd been buried long enough
Buried alive that is
It wasn't hard to see, but they didn't
Have the checks nor the technology
To find out if he were really gone
So they sewed him up
He grappled he said
What an accident
The grave diggers did wrong
Oh brother, Oh brother
Where art though
Brothers in arms we are
All until they close the door
And shovel the soil
A top the grave
Then we we will spoil
Unless we be saved
But somebody has to do it
This job
Oh brother
Once or twice they did it
Saved by the bell,
When the doctors got it wrong
And pronounced them dead
Then when they wake they're in hell
In a six foot down bed
But at least they could pull the chain
And let them know up on the living land
Because it must take some doing
To dig yourself out by hand
Once I dropped my mobile phone
Down into the grave
I didn't know that I'd done it
Until I got home
And then there was a silence on the waves
But you cannot exhume an old phone
And you shall not disturb the dead
Even if they answer from the other side
The call charges are extortionate to the Afterlife