I'm not saying it was easy
I'm not saying it was hard
But the time for being cheesy
It is get out of jail barred
It is drawn down in apocalypse
And a calypso of lies
All lining up to do the Rumba
With the troops on the other side
Come on pull the moon in closer
With your piece of string
I need your roller coaster
I need your tide of Spring
I need the tiny ghost of
What you wished to bring
To the table at the supper
Of the last supreme King
The God's of yester year have broken out
Of jail
And Imbolc and of Hester
They've bloomed like a power pale
They've been fracked into existence
And shaken out of earth
And it's to our resistence
To not knowing what our money's worth
You can't count gold in pennies
You can't count deaths by births
You know there are so many
And sometimes love it hurts
But breakdown all your spaceships
And bring it all back home
For I'm tired of all these races
Like a dog chases after a bone
Too many a question faces about
And looks the answer in the eyes
I shouts come on I'm in a boat
And it floats on a sea of lies
You must know me by now
I say, I'm walking in paradise
But we never could see
The forest for the trees
Nor the true colours for the dyes