
Friday, 21 January 2022

England is trying to kill me (slight rant)

 England is trying to kill me

The fat of the land

is blubbering over my face

I am suffocating in its richness

Like a toffee sauce

That makes me sick and fat

I am bloating like a balloon

After suckling its teet

All this kindness is killing me

It is not kindness it is wealth

It is the social welfare system that provides

There is money and benefits

for the underclass

As long as I stay in the underclass or serving

The rich I am well off

Well I am a skivvy

a servant

I am tricked into thinking I am independent and 'better off'

But really I am a servant of the upper classes

As are all who work in care or health

Relative to rent or food

It is enough to survive

And to get fat

Watching BBC TV

Which is the drug of the nation

As is TV

Telling us we are all in it together

We will bring down the Tories 

Who the working classes elected in the first place

Because they know there place

They say

Keep us in our place but give us more money

Reinforce the boundaries and the

Lines between rich and poor and we will love the class system

Because all we really want

Is structure

England you are killing me!

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Famous last words

Of course the famous last words

Of the one who loved you

The one who you loved beyond anyone

Father, why have you forsaken me

As he hung on the cruxfix

Strung up there like a scarecrow

Even the crows didn't dare

But eventually Mary came

They lifted him down

Laid him in a cave

And rolled the round rock across

His grave

Calling heavy as a rock is he

He who will never be free

Imprisoned king

But here's the thing

Their famous last words

As he walked again

It's just nobody tells you

That can happen

They all say he can't or

You'll never walk again

Just watching the crows

Watching the crows

 He was knocked off in the Senate

With all his rivals next to him

He was brought low by the mob

The last thing he said before they found

He was dead


I wish I could've finished the job

Famous last words

Of the bold and the true

But who knew then

They'd come back to bite them through

She was wrestling with a swordfish

In the bowels of the ocean

She had sharks surrounding her

In quite a commotion

She'd opened a can of worms

When she admitted she was a dolphin

She said well you don't see that everyday do you?

Tie up your sewerside

And Jesus never tried

Oh of course he thought

Of drinking the cyanide

Or taking the hemlock

But he had a block

He was the Godfather

Of little Tim Cock

Who looked up to him

Like he was Papa doc

Especially hanging there on the cross

When something isn't right it's wrong

 Oh you were eating so very very well

And all the times were fleeting

Down the wishing well

But you kept eating, yes you kept on tweeting

Yes you kept on meeting very well

If something isn't right

Then that must mean it's wrong

So I'll leave this very night

And take off with my song

Like a bird into flight

Who now must travel for so long

But oh when we were loving

We loved so very long

But when something gets broken

You don't live with a token

Yes when something isn't right

Then it's wrong

Monday, 17 January 2022

Long shadows

 Long shadows

Long shadows

That fall across the field

When the blazing sun bows down to kneel

On the brow of the hill

Where Abraham brought Isaac

A son he would've killed

Long shadows, long shadows

But we have only begun

The slaughter house squealed

The dogs lost their bark

The trees they all peeled

As the day turned to dark

Long shadows

They fell from the sky

Like a lark

Long shadows

Long shadows

Cast by Noah's Ark

The Sea flood rises

And the oceans they broil

The sailors are drowned

Despite their hard toil

No mountains surrounded

No trees hanging low

But long shadows

Long shadows

Where did they go?

Just then the shadow

Of a wandering dove

Came dropping its parcel

Of heavenly love

An olive branch was offered

and Noah gripped it tight

Like long shadows

Long shadows that turn into night

Oh they sailed their ship on

Down through the strait

And the seas they receeded

And they arrived at the gate

A new Eden was breeded

And it was not too late

For long shadows,

Long shadows they marked out no fate

Only the will

To be rid of the past

To turn over new leaves

To smell the fresh grass

Of hillside as green and 

as lush it could last

While long shadows

Long shadows

The sun no longer cast

Sunday, 16 January 2022

March on

 Oh they are going, walking down the road

Finding the friends

We have lost

But still we've knowed

Onward they march to

The tune of beating drum

Hark hear the Angels sing

Ere the mourners come

On down the road

They forever march

Into the hands of war

Which hold them in grasp

Twist them and pull them

Into monsterous form

Hark hear the Angels sing

Ere the gathering storm

Further they go from us

All loss, but who's to know

The charts upon the ocean

Where our ships are tossed

Keep up your heart's courage

Through night until the dawn

Hark hear the angels sing

The hour our hope is born


 They help us in the calling

Of a Colombus flower

The dirt off the shoe

Of a kangaroo

And the bell rings in the old 

Church tower

Each of these are mercies see 

When it comes to addressing the bones

The dead rise up in the swamp

In the swamp

And there they try to atone

For to kill the thing you love is worse

A worse sin

Than Heaven above knows

To tap the shoulder of the devil of love

To confuse him with being alone

To change your clothes in a waterfall

To fly and see the whole of the rainbow

Only complete when you've left the earth

A thousand feet below

Is this what the angels see papa?

When they look down from their clouds

Do they see rainbows and rings of colours?

Do they have rain in their eyes?

Does it rain where they are?

Is the mist of the stars

Too much too much to know

Is it a bird or a country, Turkey

Is Van Diemen's land a constellation of stars

Look let me show you how to sit on the bed

How to Span it with an arched back

How to raise your spine and look at the stars

Wheel above

As the bed turns like a carousel

And eternity spins high above us

Let us look at the crown of stars

Look are they another country?

Let us look at the man in the attic

Who was just looking for birds

As a buzzard swoops down onto the carcass

You say look it was a turkey not a country

In the end

But how can you tell in this land

Of cow pats

And early rats 

Who hunt near dawn

How can you tell who is telling the truth?

And why did you speak to the stranger like that?

My mother says to me

Because he was hiding in the attic

Because he likes to hide in the reeds

And he stalks birds and creeps up on them

And captures their souls secretly in his photographs

When they don't know it

He steals their beauty, that was only meant for nature 

And the morning to see

And it is only the vague dread they feel

Of being watched, by these silent men

Who wait like snakes in the grass

He wore a hat that was too small for his head

Like a cap on a battery

A bald battery with a broad jaw

Like Buffalo Bill

She said

And I told him that

And next time I looked he had fled

Or else there were vague shufflings

But I could not see him

Hidden in the reeds

Of the attic

A secret

And so I went out into the wide world

To look for him,

Like my mother and father once said

Look for yourself

Find yourself

But I kept needing the toilet

And so I ran back up to the attic

Where my secret fears were kept

In the house of tears

And I met the man who was running there


He said I was born to sit for hours on the toilet

Waiting, I bring a book

So you go first

And then I tried the different wooden doors like beach huts

But some were occupied

Until one was vacant

But a lady came there first

So I gave it to her

And nothing was free 


Except the country and the turkey

Wanted dead or alive

 About the birds

The hollow man

Holds open his hand

And the sand falls

Ah where have I been in the blood filled night

Feasting on, drinking on blood

Organic in a panic

A feeding frenzy

This bottled cure

This open door

Called life

Slitting the gullet

Of the quivering mullet

Who freely swims

Free form

Catching waves and spears heads of the braves

In my teeth

And teaching the tides

Too brief

About time, and time's reef

Where corals and shoals

of Elephantine fish

Wade and wander

Like Hercules after

His epic battle

In the deeps

And sure though I would hunger for a rooted rubber

To erase the mistakes

But all is nothing

Bar the Aspen shake

And I awake from a dream

Where have I been

I woke up, I was dead

I climbed out of my grave

Why is everyone looking at me

Like that?

I reached up from the moist grave

The cold grave

I believe in the Spring

That all grows green

I believe the song birds sing

And tired arms swing

Eyes that were closed will open

And the egg that was whole

Will soon be broken

Where have I been?


My flesh is hanging from my bones

This thing called life still

Clings to me

Is not contained in the body

Though the body needs its feed

The spirit cries out and bleeds

If blood is life

I have lost mine

Yet still I live

Or hunger to live

Am I dead

Or is in wanting to live

The desire to be alive


In that case even the dead can live

If they want it hard enough

Am I wanted dead or alive

Oh to be wanted

By a thing

A beast

A stranger

A hunter

Or a prey 

Who wants to be hunted

It is the wanting that matters