The students rest inside the cage
Suspended several fathoms up
In a tower of burning rage
And resentment at the government
The simmering pot is brewed
As Susan goes into the kitchen
She makes a tea for herself and Jude
Who obscurely is dressed as a chicken
Susan it seems is more of an egg
She will crack and then she will beg
Not to be fried
But get scrambled instead
In the wifi waves now exuding
But Jude the chicken
Is happy in her brood
Her feed is flung and her food is chewed
And the pecking order of housemates
Has been established
As they settle down in the hutch to roost
They ought to be doing their homework now
But there are no tutors nor lecturers anyhow
For whom to owe some accountable reason
Their absense or presence or being
They ought to be watching some lecture online
But who has the motivation
To keep inline, when humans and chickens
Are social creatures
Not meant to be caged
In faceless building features
And university is a place
To be free range to experience change
And strange and wonderful things
But no
Not today
They are like string beans
Just hanging around
Waiting for events to unfold
Or for them to be picked
Or left on the vine
But online
It doesn't matter
We are more faceless than time
And if the clock should strike the dreadful hour
When the tower of chickens
begins crowing not to cower
When a cockerel leads them
In a rooster line
Out of the cities
Into the prime
Green pastures
To live new lives
far away from their work
laying intellectual eggs
Killing time
Then perhaps the nation may once again change
As the seasons on the face of the earth
Change the hues of the leaves
And rotten corn storks
die and make room for
Fresh shoots to grow
But we are all feed for worms
Which all chickens well know