I met a pirate upon a river cruise
He was on a Pirate's holiday
I said are you a planning
On some marauding
Or hoarding the gold in the bay?
He said no I'm not a viking
I just wish for a canal boat
And a peaceful stay
So as I walked along the tow path
I saw this pirate sipping cups of tea
What sort of pirate
I thought to myself
Must this pirate be?
He was relaxing and taking it easy
Away from the hard life at sea
Where he'd been drinking rum
And stealing gum
Upon the Merciless Albatross Dizzy
He said my life is real taxing
And I should be relaxing me
Ironically I don't believe in tax axing
Because my tax is between the devil
and the deep blue sea
Oh how I wish I were a busman
And not a pirate so free
For then when I needed a holiday
I'd just drive my buses and let it be
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