Adamantine, a material that makes you more like Adam Ant everyday
Friday, 28 February 2025

Zombie Farmer's Market
I'm at the Zombie farmers market
And they're all selling pickled brains
Brains in glasses darkened
Like looking down a darkened lane
Gherkins of amygdalas
Wishbone corpus callosums
Thin films of the meninges
Hanging like dried vellum
All the riddled, addled roots
All the winding passages
All the folds so manifold
Look like pale moon sausages
Oh so mouth watering
Such victual prospects make them slaver
And along the saliva soaked pavements
The Zombie Farmers gather
Ooh Ahh and lookie 'ere
And I'll 'ave ee one of 'ee pickled brain chutneys
Give me a swallow of a skull not hollow
I'll drink down the fluids, bloods and the discharge
It all looks so horrid, yellow green spew rancid
Butter wouldn't melt in their throat if they had one
But what surprises me most is how restrained they all are
That's how you know they were or are the landed gentry
It's all in the breeding you see
This Zombie life is Country Life magazine
With one shotgun slung
Nonchalantly over an arm
And a bloodhound at his knee
A beagle at baye, bugler in the hay
And the Irony is the Zombie Farmers
They don't even look grey
A bit wet round the gills maybe
Some a bit yellow say
Jaundiced probably lacking in Iron
Some of them missing a liver
But The Lord gives and he takes away they say
Any way He does on Zombie Farmer's Market day

Zombie farmers
Zombie farmers, zombie farmers
Come down from your fields
The tractors are ploughing
And you must make your meals
Zombie farmers, zombie farmers
What is it you sell?
Is it brains in glass jars
Or is it visions of hell?
I can see you at the market
Zombie farmers of Wells
Oh you would think they could park it
But your range Rover smells
Of all the brains you've been growing
In your poly tunnels
Well if you come to shepton mallet
You'll find our brains ring like bells
Inside of our heads
Where the spring flowers grow
And we all eat your crops
Though it gives us food for thought
You know
If you ever want my brain
I don't use it a bunch
You can borrow it this weekend
If you invite me for lunch

Thursday, 27 February 2025
A pirate's holiday
I met a pirate upon a river cruise
He was on a Pirate's holiday
I said are you a planning
On some marauding
Or hoarding the gold in the bay?
He said no I'm not a viking
I just wish for a canal boat
And a peaceful stay
So as I walked along the tow path
I saw this pirate sipping cups of tea
What sort of pirate
I thought to myself
Must this pirate be?
He was relaxing and taking it easy
Away from the hard life at sea
Where he'd been drinking rum
And stealing gum
Upon the Merciless Albatross Dizzy
He said my life is real taxing
And I should be relaxing me
Ironically I don't believe in tax axing
Because my tax is between the devil
and the deep blue sea
Oh how I wish I were a busman
And not a pirate so free
For then when I needed a holiday
I'd just drive my buses and let it be

If this is love
If this is love
Then why can't I feel it
If this is love
It's singing in its chains
If this is love then you can steal it
And you can leave me
To stand out in the rains
I have loved you like a marching army
Loves the ideology
Of the woman in the frame
I have loved you like
a restless railroad
Loves the hum of the rolling trains
And if you love me
Then hold me like a ghost
Let me pass through you
Like all my dreams down the drain
Oh if you love me
Then just let me hold you
And I will promise
never to leave you again

Wednesday, 26 February 2025
The wasting of the waves
The wasting of the waves
Oh the wasting of the waves
Oh it continues,in its motion
It continues until you're in the grave
The wasting of the waves
Oh the wasting of the waves
Oh can you give me a single reason
For this energy we have to save
And it comes and goes like the season
It's the wasting of the waves
You need courage
And you need timing
And you need them in great spades
And if not them then you need rhyming
To save the wasting of the waves
The wasting of the waves
Oh the wasting of the waves

Sunday, 23 February 2025
Sea Shall I, Sea Shan't I
shall I shan't I, Shall I shan't I
Shall I go to sea
Well a blue moon's in the
Horizon risin
And I need a cup of tea
Shall I shan't I , Shall I, shan't I
Shall I go to sea?
The Ghost ship's in the quarters sizing
And I can't see the Sea
The skeletons are dancing
The sails move
When nobody's there
The whole
Seems to go along
Like the Marie Celeste without a care
Shall I, shan't I
Shall I shan't I
Shall I go to sea
I wish you all the luck in the world
But I'm a landlubber, me
Shall I go to the shallows
Shall I dig the deep
If I travel to the shallows
Not soundly shall I sleep
If I travel to dark depths
The night may take my soul
Then shoulds and shants
Shalls and shoals
Shall surely swallow me whole

The flooded boat
We shipped it out of Market Quay
In the year of 63
Looking for the catch to lea
The swathes of herring in the sea
We cast our nets and dragged about
Oh and then the first mate did shout
Haul in boys we've hooked a trout
A river fish with a massive snout
But surely this must be a fish king
For as we hauled him in the thing
Began to thrash and we could see
This river fish belonged in the sea
It was six feet wide in it's girth
And it took six men to hold it's berth
All upon the deck of wood
But this fish crashed through where we stood
And into the hull it went a heaving
Down below where believers were believing
Nothing so big could be landed at sea
Let alone a river trout with a double D
When down on the lower deck where tallow candles burnt
It was in their light that it was not a trout but a mermaid we learnt
And She was huge and heavy and really broke the scales
We knew if we brought her home alive then we'd make so many sales
She was though heavier than Archimedes in the bath
And the hole in the deck she'd made was no cause to laugh
As just then a giant wave came crashing from above
And filled the hull with sea water and the boat did flood
Oh please don't flood our boat, we pleaded to the mermaid
But she just screamed like a siren and brushed her seaweed braids
But soon she gave us the boot and slipped out through the hole
And yet our boat was flooded and we sang out save our souls
So just remember when you're fishing never land a river trout
For what you think is a fish can be a turnabout
And if she is a mermaid it's best to let her be
At least there's always plenty more fish in the sea

Saturday, 22 February 2025
To kill a monster
What does it take to kill a monster
Can you bear what he is
What he's done to countless victims
Does the victim make him him?
Is he a monster incarnate
regardless of what he has done?
How do we judge a monster
is it only on what he has done?
Or is it on his intent
And therefore sympathy presses in
What if he he never would do
What we believed of him
It is future justice
Or is it past remorse
For things he says he regrets, and yet
He still will endorse
He should be locked up
I shouldn't be drinking with him
For what is it that he really regrets
A life without sin?
What will it take me to kill?
As an individual?
And yet what will it take for
Justice to deal out
What is right and legal?
Is it what we thought
Is it what is right?
Is it just a string of noughts
On an accountant's dark night?
I'd like to think that a life
Is worth more than a sear
I'd like to think that
I've given my heart to a bear
For what it is that lasts is
The ones what are willing to be cruel
What we know is there are
Those ruthless individuals
But they are few and far between
And yet they make up the scene

Friday, 21 February 2025
Oh I once had a dream I was going to sea
But all was not as it seemed this dream within me
The sea took my dream and it watered it down
That's how come I'm singing shanties in shepton town
In Shepton town where the sheep are like ships
And the clouds above us are like carnival skips
Where there's cider in the river and cheese in the rocks
And you may get paid in cheddar or in dandelion clocks
Oh yes we have bullies and boys by the bucket
And then there's their parents who have said just fuck it
Because they roam the town like pirates marauding and taking
What other good folk have spent their free hours making
But don't ask for clew garnets, no point in crime stoppers
the police do buggerall they might as well pull party poppers
because it's all in the rigging, yes everything is rigged
like in the last election how the puppets danced and jigged
So find me a ship boys and sign me up
I've been press-ganged before and drank from the cup
If you bring the rum, then I'll bring the beer
We'll sing the sea shanties down on the Darshill pier

the sociopath's society ball
At the sociopath's society ball
Oh it's not easy to get invited
But when you do
Everyone knows everyone
I joined the sociopath's society
And they are all just like me
manipulating, calculating
And they'll invite you round for tea
Come on down, the price is right
We're all having a ball tonight
Make your life like a knife
And cut and kill
And maul
All for free down at the sociopath's society ball
I wanted to join but I thought I'd look a fool
No you can't be a sociopath with that attitude like that all
You got to step out on the debutant's trawl
And land a catfish and bring home your haul
It's all going on
Down at the sociopath's Society ball
You can see kings and politician's stand tall
You can meet floozies and old witches in shawls
You can meet young ones who try to enthrall
You in on their charms
So long as the value is high
They'll welcome you with open arms
And the stakes are all
In the lap of the Gods
Or the dice that fly
It's no gambling for the sociopath
It's a well thought out move
Calculated maximum devastation
Of those poor entrapped fools
Like a snare is his brain
The comedian
The laughter like a drug
That soothes
The autistic mind ratchets
Through applause
Not feeling
The reeling
Not knowing at all
But it's all allowable
At the sociopath's society ball

Monday, 17 February 2025
Cholera Hospital
Empty windows like a mouth agape
A vaccinated vacuum
Glassless pane
The dry taste in the mouth
Bitter medicine for Cholera victims
Is the bitterness of regret
It is the house of sadness
Not easy to forget
Elder bushes and nettles grow
Without its walls
Through its doors
The rain runs
Leaching into cracks in the floor
Few roof tiles remain of its once proud mantel
Chimney stacks and triangular wall ends
Sand like pyramids and statues
The relics of a mighty, bygone empire
Only Flat Holm will recover all in time
This hill in the sea sings its reclamation rhyme

When one thing begins
I came on the wind
And I left on the tide
Well when one thing begins
It means another has died
And it's all without sin
Well except when I've lied
To get in to bed with another man's bride
And the good things hinge
On the bad one's pride
And you may get singed
If you play by the fireside
Well when one thing begins
It means another has died
And I might say that I love you
After you have cried
Just like I can mould a clay pot
But not after it's dried
For when it's made hot
It burns a hole in my side
But when one thing begins
It means another has died

Lord Randall
I met Lord Randall out in the steel cold
He had a mind that did feel
And a leather hold
Slung around his neck
Like an albatross of gold
Oh I met Lord Randall out in the blue cold
Where have you wandered?
And what have you seen?
While you've been a sailor
On the sea of green
Oh I been a whaler
Around the Philippines
But I never saw your brother
No I never saw my mother
No I never saw my brother
Upon the sea of green
Oh how far have you sailed Lord Randall my son?
I've sailed across the ocean to the land of the rising sun
And I've done the gun running, I've been a hired gun
Just hold on to your hats while the whirlwind comes
There's a length of twisted flax
She has tied in her hair
Oh lord Randall have you seen
My lover, for was my bride out there?
But I lost her early for I had to sea fare
And it's a trouble, It's a trouble
For the double, march on the double
Have you ever seen my lover in a bubble out there?
I never saw your lover, only mirrors and shadows
Only smoke screens and ghosts in liminal scenes
Where it all was changing slowly like in a dream
But I never held another who was your lover
No I never held your lover on the sea of green
Lord Randall if you're lying
Then I'll kill you down dead
And you will be lying on your deathbed
But if you are Lord True and not Lord False to me
Then I'll still send home your letter in the arms of the sea
Yes, I'll write home your letter from the arms of the sea

Sunday, 16 February 2025
Popeye's song
This is spinach, this is spinach baby
Spinach, this is spinach baby
Everything is gonna be alright
Cause this is Spinach Baby tonight
Speak in Spanish to me baby
Speak me spinach in my sandwich maybe
I'll send you spinning crazy lady
This is Spinach baby tonight
Toss the salad, throw in an egg
I quack like a Mallard, but baby you said
Your olive oil's sleek like Ciabatta bread
Speak to me spinach tonight

Saturday, 15 February 2025
I went for a job in safeguarding
I didn't expect to be positioned in a bank
One day these bank robbers came in
And said they wanted to withdraw
All the money without paying
I said it was against safeguarding regulations
And they got very irate
But they got the message eventually
So I felt like the rules are really working well
Then they came back in the bank and asked if I'd like to do some safeguarding for them, as they felt they needed my expertise. They said they'd pay me more, but I could keep safeguarding the same safe, if I just brought it with so I did. I got into the back of the van and they were very considerate carrying the safe for me.

Laptop cable
And low Abraham gave his laptop cable to Isaac
And Isaac lent it to Jakob
And Jakob, took it up the ladder
But it wasn't long enough to reach heaven
And Cain and Abel
Had a fight over a laptop cable
Because Abel wouldn't give it back
Cain stabbed him in the back
All over a laptop
In the lap of the Gods
The laptop cable worked
Powered by Zeus'
Lightning generator
But up in mount olympus
There is very poor wifi signal
So they don't really know what's going on

You and me
I don't see purple trees
I don't hear calvary
Nor the bells of the shells
Singing in the sea
I don't hear talismen's keys
Jangle in the frieze
And more than that
But nothing flat
I don't see you and me
I don't hear caravans
No see those family plans
Of holidays in holy blaze
I don't see you and me
Oh we were once an item
But we soon got sold
From off the shelves of our selves
in exchange for gold
I don't see ruby shoes
Dancing away the blues
But What is neat, is the sweet
I don't see you and me

Long time ago In the rockerie
I remember then so long ago
Long time ago
In the rockerie
The rain did come
And the rain did go
Long time ago
In the rockerie
The thyme smelt strong
With the Rosemary
Long time ago
In the rockerie
Our love belonged like
A rock to the sea
Long time ago
In the rockerie
Now in this song
We can live free
It was a
Long time ago
In the rockerie

Cheese grater
Cheese grater
They've gotta make yer
Creator of the alligator
Simple Susan
Held the dustpan
On the horizon of
The rising sun and
I loved you
Like a curfew
Like a soldier overdue
His leave
On a summer holiday
But cheese grater
I wish you'd stayed
Lift me up
In the hill of science
raise the temperature
On my conscience
It's too cold for caring
What I do to another
Because right or wrong
He is not my brother
Just another man
With a thorn in his side
Just a place for the living
Who have already died
But I'm tired of waiting
For the bus to come in
That will take me forever away
From sin
It is an illusion
Of a broken heart to think
This is a delusion
Of a kind of art
Take your money back
And your soul
Because what You lack
Is self control
Puppet maker
And King carole
I'm a world shaker
You're breaking parole
Cheese grater
Cheese grater

Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Go back to blue
There's only one thing that I can do
Only one thing except go back to you
Well, well I'm going back to blue
There's only one song I can sing
And if you sing a along
Maybe we'll wing it through
But still I'm going back to blue
There's only one hole in my plan
There's only one hole bar none man
And if you think you're coming through
I can tell you, I'm going back to blue
I tried it black
I tried it white
I tried it bruised in a fight
But day or night
Wrong or right
I'm almost through
I'm going back to blue
Blue like the ocean
And blue as the devil's tongue
Talking strong emotion
When the fight is on
But I can call the shots on you
I can shoot the lightning bolts
Can you hear the thunder vaults too?
Well I'm going back to blue

Stolen balls
They came and stole my balls
A space man took them away
Steel balls they were
And balls made out of clay
I'm trying to get them back
Trying hard every day
I hope them aliens drop my balls off
Because I would like to play
un forme du poire
encore de fois

Friday, 7 February 2025
Happy Bloody Valentine's Day
Roses are red
and so is bloody slaughter
In the sea my nose bled
There I found blood was thicker than water

Tinkering on the edge
I shall hear no more that barking sound
That regular Bark Ode
Of Tinker, whose chimes like
Bells in Church tolled down the road
Every time a child walked passed
On his way to school
Or at an unsuspecting walker
Who walked too close to his window, the fool!
Well no more shall I see his face
Grinning back at me
Dark and imposing
Some inner ferocity
Like an Egyptian God
Dog headed deity
Standing out of his sarcophagus
Oh Mummy! I need a wee!
But he really is charming
Yes, what a merry soul is he!
Cola black, soul black
Darkness found a light
In the bright-eyed Becky
A star of fairy night
Sparkling like a sparkler
Fluffy, buoyant woman
Exuberant, enthusiastic
Bubbly and fun
And so they were together
And Tinker was no longer glum
He and her together
All was right under the sun
Find shoe box by the sea
Let the sea dogs howl
On the island of the canary
Where the kissing winds are foul
But dunes in June are wonderful
Fundamental abundiflora all
And Just look to the summer wall
Of heat and sun
Let's not think of winter
Let's not contemplate the fall
Adam and his apple
are far from it all
He's now got his mother
She's got her baby back
And all the seaweed in the sea
Could never re-shuffle her pack

Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Ai killed the man in me
Ai killed Riki Lake
And Montel Williams
Ai killed the king
And it killed my girlfriend
Ai killed everything
Ai even killed me, her me sing
Has Ai killed everything?
Ai's killed the man in me
Ai killed the woman too
Killed the unborn baby
Ai killed the child, their childhood
Free from maybe
No more dreams, only facts
Only possibilities of brass tacks
Realities so virtual, yet outside of my control
Ai has killed the man in me
Ai's robbed me of my soul
No I don't want to get dramatic
I don't want to sound too drole
Because if you know the algorithm
I'm sure it would return what it stole
But once a candle is blown out
It's hard to see in the dark
And this wind of change is blowing without a spark
Are ideas of consciousness even weighed in the scales
Or is all that's on the mind of governments how to make big sales?
What if I told you of the Tolpuddle Martyrs
Or the weavers
Or the Luddites
Who trashed the loom machines
That took their jobs
And kicked them out on the street
In a heartless modernization?
What if progress is no friend to
National spirit or culture or tradition?
What if we sell our souls
At the price of bottom dollar
Just to satisfy big business mission?
Who ever asked me if I want
my child brought up by a robot army
And not a real human being?
Ai's killed everything
And no one even asked me!
Ai killed the man in me
And replaced me with a robot
If they had asked us first, like with GM foods
Where there was moratorium
Maybe we would pause for thought,
a measure of public mood
But as it is the ai has done the thinking
For us, it's told its creator it needs this
It was such a dazzling temptation
An end to all working
No more enslavement
But I still see beggars on the pavement
While Ai's running the government
Ai has killed everything
Ai's killed the man in me
Give me trees, and flowers and nature
Give me a sky and some distance
I need to move my body
And be breathing
Far from these satanic mills
Of mind training
Ai will try to kill everything!
Ai will try to kill the human in you
If you don't watch what it's doing
So maybe we shut just switch off
Let's turn off the machines
And take a walk back in the world
And rediscover what is green

Saturday, 1 February 2025
Little prick of love
Oh little prick of love
I can feel yer
Oh little prick of love
It's nice to meet yer
I've got a little prick of love
And it's trying to greet yer
Oh you don't like injections
And you're afraid of blood
Well this is divine intervention
My little prick of love
It'll only hurt a little
And yes it will bleed
But just like a needle
It is going to succeed
At combating your love sickness
You know you suffer a disease
You can't love another
Without starting to seize
So let me give you
My little injection
I'm just like a doctor
You need examination
And it could add years to your life
Or it could set you free
My little prick of love
Is a lost ship at sea
If I were a snail
It would be minute
So just think you're lucky
And don't get cute
If you want to get ahead
You know you have to push
And my little prick of love
Is like a thorn on a sloe bush
Sometimes the sloe gin
comes so thick it's a sin
Sometimes the bush is so hard to get in
But with a little back and forth
A little pull and shove
That's how you'll feel my
Little prick of love
Oh don't come bustin' me down
You know I don't have the time
I'm from the wrong side of town
But we've both drunk the same wine
And the rose bush is a thicket
And I don't where to stick it
But if you stick it to me love
I'll stick it to you too
Still I don't know what to do
About this little prick of love
Oh little prick of love
I can feel it
Little prick of love
Can you feel it?
Little prick of love
Try to reel it in
But it's like a fishhook in my mouth
Everytime I sing
Pullin me in
To your land of love
Lord you can try and swim away
But it'll catch you up one day
This little fisher king
With his cloak of coloured wing
With his blue bolt of sin
His beak's a little prick of love
Little prick of love
Can you feel it
little prick of love
that should seal it
little prick of love
how to deal with it
little prick of love
you can peel it
All I'm thinking of
Is that little prick of love

Love said to blood
Love said to blood
What have you to fear
Blood said to love
My family, my dear
Many generations
All with the same idea
Flow in one direction
to the ocean of tears
Love then said to blood
But blood is thicker than water
You should forgive
Your son and your daughter
For following their own course
Through uncharted quarters
Of a city shining like a penny
Blood was a family of noble stock
And love was the irrational knock
That came like a shock in a desert of grey