
Friday, 25 May 2018

A time upon a storm

Who's fretting now
God disagrees,
His glorious vengeance reaped out on the seas
Who's fretting now
The tumble weed blows
The door creaks
Nobody speaks
And nobody knows

Who's fretting now in the light trees
Planted like tombs from heaven
Dropped like bombs from the grave
Of the Somme
Where someone died
One or other

It takes a certain kind of craziness to cut and run
Especially if there is nobody there pointing a gun
You choose your annihilation according to your will
Pick your poison that pill to kill
You swallow and you don't look back or if you do
It will be too late
Yes there's a time to love and a time to hate
A time to save a life
A time to kill
Whose gonna tell you when the time is right
Nobody at your back holding a knife
You just imagine the persecutor there
Before the open window
Taking in the air

Once upon a lightening storm
I was riding,
Rode through the shadows of my past
Flashing up in memories
Some distant remembered scene
Lightening in the brain
Life goes by so fast
It seems like only yesterday
You were riding with me
Stormy weather blowing cloud ships through the sky
Treading soft as angels
Broken glass in front of me
Cinderellas' slippers in the hall

Sitting in a glass house
A vast house, the last house
The last time some such a voice did call
God he had to disagree
Put an end to misery
And miserly collect the fall

Where do moths fly in lightening storms?

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