
Saturday, 21 April 2018

Blood of the Land

The greens run out of the fields and
I can’t leave them behind
It is like I have green blood in my body
And it bleeds out in green tears when I cry
Yes, it is in the eye of the beholder
Yes, it is stuck in the throat
Yes, it is one lump of sugar
That you roll in your mouth until it floats
And somewhere between the saccharine spit
And the honey dewed flowers
There is a taste of England’s southern lands
That blooms up in olfactory towers

Is it some manufactured scene?
Some garlanded pound-land?
No, for I have seen it in my dreams
and chased it with the hounds and
Left it there behind the glass
behind the window,
As the train rolls past
It is in these salty tears, these salty dry skies
That never cry
Or look as though they never do
But always change when you don’t want them to

It is in the sound of the voice’s twang
Over the intercom
Onto the land and down the hall
Hearing the dead station’s silent call
From times past
Or perhaps
It is just that I know its history and it is a part of my own
Through osmosis
Adopted, but felt in the body
Like the green blood

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