Beaver’s Kiss
Give me your kiss
Oh fell my wooden heart
Beat your tail around me
Oh lean your weight
On the willow tree
And chew, chew, chew
It free
Hear the train whistle
Hear the charts
Of explorers beating a trail
Through, through, through
Your woodland glade
Searching out your wooden heart
Bang, bang, bang
Go their guns
Geronimo fells the trees
But Geronimo was felled himself
One day
For a lady to wear beaver skin
Across her knees
For Davy Crockett wore your hat
And you were so cold and grey
You froze in the winter
And your spirit went away
Beaver spirit leaving the leaves
Leave, leave, leave
Oh lever your dam
Flood, flod, flood
Your banks
Build your home deep
In the river’s ranks
Godfather of the water vole’s art
Oh Beaver, won’t you leave her
Oh the beaver’s return
Trying to hold back the tide
Beaver, like a lever,
Stuck at every turn
Beaver on the watercourse ride
Beaver in the hollow
Beaver in the ear
Held like a swallow
In the palm
Nesting til the morrow
In the mud of the hide
Willow weaver, beaver brew your brown beer
Beaver looking back through the years
Looking back over the dams
Looking back at the back water
The black water, all you’ve held back
Woodland manager, nature’s forester
River doctor
River miller, water wheeler
Only hold on make a net
Let her through yer yet
Pass through your home
Living over the river
Running under your kitchen
Always flowing
Never alone