Board an aeroplane
Metal birds on concrete floors
Change your name
In your Holiday fame
Return to the same
Like a Phoenix from the Ashes
The Ashes fall down again
Oh keep your broken arrows
Oh keep your spears yet sharp
Like the shooting sparrows
Like the darting carp
Keep your soldiers marching
They march the whole day long
Through the Marble Arch
Singing your victory song
Steel Robins singing
Feathered Fuselage
Keep your eggs a bobbing
Through the thorough fare
Fight or Flight in the space age
Diamonds sparkle in the night air
What I’ve left behind upon the ground
While I’m up in the air
What I’ve brought with me
What I’ve found
Since flying way up there
Music of the airport
Sweet Saccharin smooth tile
Buying our duty free report
Up high mile after mile
Cutting clouds like Paper-Mache
Newspapers writing foreign attaché
Of foreign wars and words
Oh keep sharp your swords
Keep damp the ink your pen
Hold tight, hold strong ye noble men
The sky is full of dreamers
The earth’s soul full of dirt
Let flare Ideals' streamers
Let wild geysers spurt